GraphQL API - serlo/documentation GitHub Wiki

How to query Serlo content via GraphQL

We offer a GraphQL endpoint at https://api.serlo.orq/graphql in order to query Serlo content. For example to fetch data about the article you can use:

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST \
  -d '{"query": "query { uuid(id: 1565) { __typename }}"}' \

You can use the API playgroud at https://api.serlo.orq/___graphql to test your queries. There is also an embedded documentation for the schema.

How to query the content of a taxonomy terms

Serlo content is saved inside a taxonomy (tree of content areas). Given the ID of a taxonomy term (e.g. 134206 for you can traverse its children via the query:

  uuid(id:134206) {
    ... on TaxonomyTerm {
      children {
        nodes {

The result looks like this:

  "data": {
    "uuid": {
      "id": 134206,
      "children": {
        "nodes": [
            "id": 126369,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Auditiver Lerntyp"
            "id": 126373,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Kommunikativer Lerntyp"
            "id": 134811,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Was ist die Methodenkiste?"
            "id": 134638,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Was ist die Methodenkiste?"
            "id": 136257,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Mindmap "
            "id": 136677,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Möglichkeit durch das Programm \"Microsoft Power Point\""
            "id": 134952,
            "__typename": "Article",
            "title": "Motivierter im Sport"
            "id": 179565,
            "__typename": "Course",
            "title": "179565"
            "id": 179566,
            "__typename": "Course",
            "title": "Wissenschaftliches Denken"
            "id": 179704,
            "__typename": "Course",
            "title": "179704"