MAD 9014 - serdarulutas/MADD-Notes GitHub Wiki


* margin : t r b l
* margin : all
* margin : tb lr
* margin : t r/l b
* padding : t r b l
* padding : all
* padding : tb lr
* padding : t r/l b
  • margin has no background color
  • padding has the same background color as the tag
  • border has its own color

CSS Descendant

main a -> all a anchors within main

main span -> same as above

main > a -> a anchors that are direct children of main

p > a -> same as above.

p + a -> style a only if it follows a p tag immediately.

p ~ a -> this applies to all a tags that are sibling to a p tag. (doesn't matter if it is immediate or not)


  1. id
  2. classes, attribute selectors
  3. type selectors (::pseudo-elements)

WEEK 1-2


If a value is not one of the values below, then it is a truthy

  1. false
  2. 0
  3. ""
  4. null
  5. undefined
  6. NaN

IF Statements

if (condition){
}else if (condition){
}else if (condition){

Logical Short-circuiting

each variable/expression returns a truthy or falsey value.

if (var){

Ternary Statement

condition ? true : false


isAdult = age > 18 ? true : false;

Switch Statement

switch (expression){
  case option1:
     //do something
  case option2, option3, option4:
     //do something
     //do something


concat function can have multiple parameters, such as "greeting".concat(" ", "Jimmy", " ", "How are you?");