Cloning NoPG databases - sendanor/nor-nopg GitHub Wiki

Here is documentation how to clone an existing NoPG database on the server because NoPG does not yet have a dump and restore utility. (See nopgdump under development.)

Creating user and database from existing database

First you need to create a new user and clone the database:

createuser -P new-user
createdb -O new-user -T old-database new-database

This does not change owner of all relations to new user, so you need to do it manually as superuser:


You may use command \dt to list these in psql console.

ALTER TABLE attachments OWNER TO "new-database";
ALTER TABLE dbversions OWNER TO "new-database";
ALTER TABLE documents OWNER TO "new-database";
ALTER TABLE libs OWNER TO "new-database";
ALTER TABLE types OWNER TO "new-database";


You may use command \dn to list these in psql console.

ALTER SCHEMA nopg OWNER TO "new-database";
ALTER SCHEMA tv4 OWNER TO "new-database";