Export Data from ELAN - selmling/Analytics-and-Data-Exploration GitHub Wiki

Below are the steps for running scripts to export data from ELAN:

  1. Locate your target data

  2. Drag the home folder where your data lives into the mac terminal

  3. Make the following changes to the eaf2csv.py file

    • edit the line subjectarray to reflect the subject numbers you wish to do conversion over

    • edit the file (name) variable to match your files (this line will end with % sub.

    • edit ort_tier_names variable to match the tier(s) you would like exported from the .eaf files

  4. Run your script! See this video to find out how to run a python script! If you hit errors, you should read the error messages! The errors might be python package related -- see this video on how to install python packages. At the top of the python script eaf2csv.py you will see the packages that python is going to try to call because they are needed for the script to run properly!