iPadOS - seanpm2001/WacOS GitHub Wiki




iPadOS 13, the initial release of iPadOS

( Forked from: iOS 12 or iOS 13 | Current version 15.1 beta (2021 September 21st) as of 2021 September 24th )

iPadOS is a mobile tablet operating system by Apple Inc from September 24th 2019 that was forked from either iOS 12 or iOS 13 originally, the iPad was first released with a modified version of iPhoneOS 3 and the iPad continued to use iOS until the release of the fork iPadOS 13 that was specifically designed for Apples tablets. Since then, the Apple series of iPads has been running iPadOS, while the Apple series of iPhones and iPods runs iOS

It is a modified version of iOS that better supports touch screen tablet devices, but differs from MacOS by not being a full desktop.

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Wikipedia - iPadOS

Other sources are needed, and this article needs LOTS of improvement and original work to prevent it from being a copy and paste from Wikipedia.

See also

iPadOS Dock

iPadOS version history

List of iPadOS wallpapers

iPhoneOS 3

iOS 12

iOS 13

Article info

Written on: 2021 Friday September 24th at 5:08 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Friday September 24th at 5:08 pm

File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)

Article version: 1 (2021, Friday September 24th at 5:08 pm)