Squeak - seanpm2001/WacOS GitHub Wiki

Squeak (programming language)


The original Squeak logo, vectorized

Squeak is an object oriented, class based, reflective programming language based on SmallTalk 80 originally by Apple, but development later went to Walt Disney, then it became its own community project.


Squeak uses its own interface, known as Morphic.

Notable projects that use Squeak include:

  1. Scratch (for versions 1.0 to 1.4)

  2. Usage is seen in the Nintendo ES Operating system.

This article is a stub and needs expansion.


Wikipedia - Squeak

More sources needed, Wikipedia should not be the only source. Wikipedia is not supposed to be used as a source, and other sources are needed.


Article needs to be rewritten in some areas to be original.

Article info

Written on: 2021 Sunday September 19th at 3:59 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Sunday September 19th at 3:59 pm

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Article version: 1 (2021 Sunday September 19th at 3:59 pm)