Home(Directory) - seanpm2001/WacOS GitHub Wiki
The home directory is the main user folder for WacOS. It is located in the root directory, and it contains all the users files (such as images, videos, program data, etc) it is separate from system files.
It is designed to follow the UNIX file structure, and also the MacOS file structure. If there have been changes to this over the years, support for swapping the home directory, along with other default directories from MacOS will be added.
Main path (Linux): /home/<username>/
Main path (XNU): Unknown
Default path on System 1-6: Unknown
Default path on MacOS 7 to 9: Unknown
Default path on Mac OS X 10-?: unknown
Default path on iPhoneOS 1-3: unknown
Default path on iOS 4-?: unknown
Research is needed on this.
None, yet.
This article on the directory structure of WacOS is a stub. You can help by expanding it!
Written on: 2020 May 27th at 2:04 pm)
Last revised on: 2021, Tuesday September 14th at 2:23 pm)
File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)
Article version: 3 (2021, Tuesday September 14th at 2:23 pm)