Compiling Scribus from Source - scribusproject/scribus GitHub Wiki
Download latest Scribus code
Downloading from Scribus SVN (svn mirror)
Pre-reqs: subversion package needs to be installed
Create a directory to install Scribus in to
mkdir /home/username/scribus-test/Scribus
Move in to said directory
cd /home/username/scribus-test/Scribus
Download latest code
svn co svn://
Result: you should see many files being downloaded in your terminal and when it's finished there will be a directory named 'Scribus' present.
Downloading from Github
Create a directory to install Scribus in to
mkdir /home/username/scribus-test/Scribus
Move in to said directory
cd /home/username/scribus-test/Scribus
Download latest code
git clone
Result: git will download the scribusproject repo and when it's finished there will be a directory named 'Scribus' present.
Out of source builds
One of the advantages of CMake is that you can do an out-of-source build. What is this? It enables you to build the application without writing anything at all to the directory where the Scribus source is. This means your source tree is clean, always. Its easier and faster to update, and you can build multiple targets out-of-source from the same source tree. Cool!
To do an out-of-source build, you need a new directory to build in. Say you have the source files in:
Make the following directory:
So then, instead of doing the following within /home/username/scribus-test/Scribus:
cmake .
you would then change to the /home/username/scribus-test/bin directory and run:
cmake ../Scribus -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/username/scribus-test/bin/
then you can compile Scribus by typing:
Optional: if you have a multi-core machine you can specify make to utilize more than 1 core. For example, on a 4 core machine you can use the -j flag followed by the number of cores you wish to use:
make -j4
After the compilation is complete you can install scribus binary in to the bin/ directory by typing:
make install
To run this version of scribus you can then type: