Selecting A Tribe - savvato-software/all_docs GitHub Wiki

When you select an attribute, for instance on your profile, or an event announcement, you choose four words which form a valid English phrase.

So a tribe is described by a phrase: an optional adverb, a verb, an optional preposition for clarity, and a noun, singular or plural as the case may be. like 'play/chess' or 'drink/in/bars'. A phrase like 'eat/competitively' would not be allowed to describe a tribe, because there is no noun. Nouns are required. Similarly, 'competitively/eat/pies' would be allowed.

In the app, you would select one value from each list to form the attribute. If that combination had not been used before, or if you enter a new value for one of the lists, then that attribute would need to be manually approved by us before it became active on your profile.

adverbs verbs prepositions nouns
competitively eat in Chinese restaurants
severely read at chess
deeply play by books by John Grisham
thoughtfully sing on jazz standards
dislike to Mexican food
abhor karaoke
enjoy Purple Rain

Say you chose, 'competitively', 'eat', 'in', 'Chinese restaurants', and since it's from scratch, that had never been used, so it would have to go up for review. A real person would review it, make sure it makes logical sense, and if so, it would become active on your profile. The next time someone chose those words, in that order, it would be allowed, and no review would be necessary.

If you chose 'deeply', 'sing', 'on', 'Chinese restaurants', that would not make sense, not pass review. We would store that combination as well, and the next time someone chose it, even though it is not a valid string, it would appear in our database as an invalid combination, and not be allowed on your profile.

Screen starts with two text fields, the first is not required, the second is our verb, and as the user types it suggests autocompletions matching already approved values for that list. Then the next screen, show the words they selected on the first screen, and then two more fields, the first optional, the second required, both autocompleted.

each of those words has a key, and the string of keys forms the phrase, which describes the attribute.