Data Structure - savvato-software/all_docs GitHub Wiki
User table... a user is associated with a tribe. tribe has id, verb, concept columns. There is a signatures table. It has id, userId, topicId,
There is your user, and it is associated with a document that is your tribe.. Then you have signatures of that document, and your user is also associated with those signature files/hashes/rows/etc. The tribe doc would have to contain the ownerUserId, so as to be unique. The co-signer would sign it, create a signature, and store it.
So if you are searching for something, you have to look through the signatures, and connect it back to a user that way.. so you're looking through all the signatures that exist, I suppose....
Separate user level and topic level tribes/signatures... something.. uhm if someone is searching to see who's a part of this tribe,
Something needs to sign, to say you are a part of this tribe. So, the tribe will be its own signer, and people will look for that signature assoc