Sauter Git Workflow : FAQs - sauter-hq/git-guidelines GitHub Wiki
###Some FAQs:
I want to commit my changes, but every time I get the following error
I have committed my changes but no one else can get my changes
I want to push my committed changes to the server, but I get the following error
Is it possible to merge binary files?
Is it possible to lock individual branches on the server (e.g. the master-branch)?
SourceTreeApp doesn't allow me to clone, when I click on Details I get an empty window
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--> You have forgot to push your changes back to the server.
Note: Committing a file only checks it into (VSS language) your local repository. To make it public on the server, you need to push the branch with these changed files, too.
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--> No, there is no way to merge binaries.
Note: Access databases (mdb-files) are also treated as binaries!
MS-Word and -Excel-documents can be merged, but its difficult
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--> No, Git(hub) has no possibility to lock individual branches on the server.
Git only allows you to set UACL on a whole repository, not on parts of it.
You can only lock some local branches (client side) using git hooks. In that case you will get an error like this if you try to commit changes to your local master branch:
![Commit Not Allowed](pictures/commit-not-allowed-using-hooks.jpg)
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This is fun but it appears when the installer crashed in the middle or when the git support isn't enabled. To fix this click on Tools > Options > Git and click on install Embedded Git.