Network Concept - satnet-project/documentation GitHub Wiki

The elements of the network concept are defined in the list below. This network will be composed of the following elements:

  • A set of software clients for spacecraft operators to command remotely the satellites. From now on, they will be defined as Mission Operations Clients or M-Clients for short.
  • A set of software clients for providing direct access to the services of the ground station facilities. From now on, Ground Station Clients or G-Clients for short.
  • A cloud system for the coordination of the communications in between these two types of clients. From now on, Network Communications System or N-System. It is important to note that the N-System is not a single server but a cloud-computing-based system. This way and depending on further implementation decisions, this cloud system may evolve into a network of interconnected servers that will provide the service required.

For providing these services, the N-System implements the following interfaces:

  • G-Client Interface (G-Client-IF), that permits the ground station clients to connect to the network services.
  • M-Client Interface (M-Client-IF), that permits the mission operations clients to connect to the network services.

The following diagram provides a graphical definition of the elements of the network and how they are interconnected with the given interfaces.

Network Concept

Authentication, security and communications privacy is implemented by using a secure transport layer for ensuring that a private communications link is established in between G- and M- clients. The registration process of the clients in the cloud N-System is the first step for the secure distribution of keys and certificates along the clients of this network.

For further details on the design and implementation of the system, go to Design.

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