VM Test - sartura/replica GitHub Wiki


The VM-Test target is used to generate QEMU virtual machine images for two architectures, x86_64 and aarch64, with a specific package set.


To build QEMU virtual machine images using Replica.one, first clone the main repository as described in docs/QUICKSTART.md.

For x86_64, invoke the build process using make:

make CTARGET=x86_64-multilib-linux-gnu package_vm-test

For aarch64, invoke the build process using make:

make CTARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu package_vm-test


A successful build will generate the following files in the output/ARCH-vm-test directory:

  • System.map-6.0.0-ARCH
  • initramfs-linux.img
  • rootfs.qcow2
  • vmlinuz-linux

where ARCH corresponds to the architecture.


In order to run virtual machines, QEMU support and a QEMU software stack are required on the host:

Using the generated files, starting a virtual machine can be done with the following:

 # for x86_64 VM
qemu-system-x86_64 \
		-name "vm-test-amd64" \
		-m 2048 -smp 2 \
		-bios /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd \
		-initrd ./initramfs-linux.img \
		-kernel ./vmlinuz-linux \
		-append "root=/dev/sda1" \
		-drive file=./rootfs.qcow2 \
		-monitor stdio
  # for aarch64 VM
qemu-system-aarch64 \
		-name "vm-test-arm64" \
		-machine virt \
		-cpu cortex-a57 \
		-m 2048 -smp 2 \
		-initrd ./initramfs-linux.img \
		-kernel ./vmlinuz-linux \
		-append "root=/dev/vda1" \
		-drive file=./rootfs.qcow2 \
		-monitor stdio

Additional resources