SolidRun ClearFog Base - sartura/replica GitHub Wiki


SolidRun ClearFog Base is a SoM based on the Marvell's Armada A388 module. It is powered by the 32-bit Cortex A9 processor and features 1 x mPCIE PCIe X1 Gen2.0 slot, 1 USB 3.0 port, 2 dedicated Ethernet ports, 1 SFP 2.5GbE port and a MicroSD card slot.


To build firmware for the ClearFog Base using, first clone the main repository as described in docs/

Next, invoke the build process using make:

make CTARGET=armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf package_clearfog-base

Sample (cached) build can be seen here: asciicast


A successful build will generate the following files in the output/ directory:

  • gentoo-arm-mvebu-clearfog-base.img.xz - compressed raw disk image
  • sysdesc-arm-mvebu-clearfog-base.txt - a description of the system installation, including installed packages, package sizes, list of root filesystem contents, etc.


gentoo-arm-mvebu-clearfog-base.img.xz is a formatted raw disk image which can be flashed directly on the SD card using the following command:

$ xz -d -T0 --stdout ./output/gentoo-arm-mvebu-clearfog-base.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/mmbclk0 bs=4M status=progress
1068924928 bytes (1.1 GB, 1019 MiB) copied, 16 s, 66.8 MB/s
0+128351 records in
0+128351 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 342.665 s, 3.1 MB/s

/dev/mmbclk0 represents a block device on the host. Please make sure to write the disk image to the correct block device to prevent data loss.


You can download the pre-compiled firmware image for the ClearFog Base device here

Additonal resources

The recording below shows the entire boot process: asciicast