Riya Create Task - sarayu-pr11/team-narks GitHub Wiki


Summary: For my create task, I am creating a typing game like the nitro type that tests users' ability to type accurately, efficiently, and quickly. There will be a list of phrases that the user will have to type through. If users type in a reasonable amount of time and with accuracy, they are awarded a score/percentage. They can progress through a few levels. This game is essentially made to test the user's typing skills.


□ Instructions for input:

  • Users click the button to start the game
  • Users type into the text box, which prompts the code to check with every character typed if it matches with the sentence.

□ Use of at least one list (or another collection type):

  • Use a random quote/phrase/sentence API to generate random phrases that users can type out
  • Convert string from the quote into an array where each individual character is an element in the array (that way when the user types the characters in, it can cross-check it against the array)

□ At Least 1 Procedure:

  • Procedure name: displayScore
  • Return type: integer
  • Parameters:
    • var=crossCheck (the crossCheck variable will be a boolean value that returns true or false after the quote character array (its own element) is cross-checked with what the user types in. Obviously, the crossCheck variable = true if the user typed in every character correctly).
    • timeTaken is another variable which tracks how much time the user spent on typing a quote out
  • Function will essentially display a score to the user based on the crossCheck parameter (which checks accuracy) and timeTaken variable (which checks speed)
  • perhaps can also take timetaken + charactersMissed (another variable tracking how many characters you type incorrectly). This will be the displayed score, and the lower the score, the better. Maybe another procedure that turns each character green if you type it correctly, and red once you make a mistake. Essentially you are typing in the quote in a text box, but the characters change color as you type it depending if it matches correctly

□ Algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration:

  • Iteration is accomplished as the code continuously checks what the user is typing against the given quote

  • Sequencing: Only after the code is checked, will the algorithm call the displayScore feature

  • Selection:

  • Calls to your student-developed procedure: Can call to any of the two I listed above during the algorithm

  • Instructions for output: Can maybe play victory music, error sound when there is an error, congrats page, (the green?red character typing I've listed above could also be visual output)


  • User Input: User types in sentence
  • List: Hardcoded randomized list
  • Multiple procedures (most of my code was in procedures)
  • Sequencing: Procedures called in order at the end
  • Iteration was done in the while loop
  • Selection was done through the error count word list
  • Output was the score that was printed

Still need to add:

  • Time Taken variable
  • Clean up terminal/run it on something with better design features?
  • Red colored text as you type -- not able to backspace?


Written Prompts:


  • This program is intended to test the user’s typing ability, by having the user type out a given phrase, and scoring them based on the time taken and accuracy of their entry. The video demonstrates a randomized quote being provided to the user, and the user typing it to the best of their ability. When they hit enter to check, the program provides the correct score percentage and the error score percentage, and which words they missed.The input of the program is the user entry, as they try to type out the quote provided. The output of the program is the scoring of the user’s ability because it displays the users’ accuracy percentages and words they missed.


i Code Segment:

`def splitStringsIntoList(userString):


# get the global list of words in user string using space as tokenizer
global userList
userList = userString.split(" ")
# User entered string =  Oprah Winfrey : Be thankful for what you have; you'l end up having more.
# userString =  ['Oprah', 'Winfrey', ':', 'Be', 'thankful', 'for', 'what', 'you', 'have;', "you'l", 'end', 'up', 'having', 'more.']

#assign global variable to the user  string word count
global userCount
userCount = len(userList)

#get the minumum of word count between quote provided and User entry
minWordCount = quoteCount

#check if minCount is greater than userCount and if so, assign userCount to minCount
if minWordCount > userCount:
    minWordCount = userCount

return minWordCount


ii Code Segment: def compareQuoteToUserString(userInputString, metricChoice): .... else: while loopIndex < minCount: if quoteList[loopIndex] == userList[loopIndex]: correctList.append(userList[loopIndex]) else: print("Error! : ", userList[loopIndex], " : at word# =>", loopIndex) errorScore = errorScore + 1 errorList.append(userList[loopIndex]) loopIndex += 1 return errorScore

The name of the list being used is called “userList”, and the list/array contains the tokenized words from the user typed back entry string, based on the randomized reference quote provided. When the program is executed, the users’ entry string is tokenized into a list (“userList”) of words using space as a delimiter. This list is then compared to the tokenized quote list (“quoteList”). The number of words in the “userList” is dependent on the length of the reference quote string. This word count is used as the exit condition for the loop that compares the individual words in the “userList” and the “quoteList”. Essentially, these new tokenized lists are compared and used to measure the users’ input string correctness. Without these tokenized lists, we would have to parse through the individual characters for the entire input string, and do a character by character comparison.


Code Segment i ` def compareQuoteToUserString(userInputString, metricChoice):

# call procedure to split strings based on space tokens
global minCount
minCount = splitStringsIntoList(userInputString)

# loop through quoteSplit list and userSplit list and compare each word in it
# loopIndex is the incremental counter to execute the loop
# compare words in quoteList to user list to check for errors,  using the loopIndex as the array element index
#after comparison, we go to the second word by increasing loopIndex
#we stop the loop when loopIndex == minCount

#global variables accessed in function
global correctList
global errorList
global typingSpeed
global userCount
global quoteCount

#local variables
loopIndex = 0
errorScore = 0

if metricChoice == 'T':
    #calculate time it took for user input
    timeTaken = endTime - startTime
    return timeTaken
    while loopIndex < minCount:
        if quoteList[loopIndex] == userList[loopIndex]:
            print("Error! : ", userList[loopIndex], " : at word# =>", loopIndex)
            errorScore = errorScore + 1
        loopIndex += 1
    return errorScore


Code segment ii ` while True: .... ** userScore = compareQuoteToUserString(userString, metricChoice)**

#Based on user's choice of what to measure, display the appropriate scores.

if metricChoice == 'A':
    # 3. display error score
    calculatePercentages(userScore, False)

    # 4. display correct score
    correctCount = displayCorrectScore(userScore)
    calculatePercentages(correctCount, True)
    #calculate the speed of typing - total words in reference quote over user time taken
    wordsPerMinute = quoteCount/userScore
    print("\n" + "Time Taken = ", userScore, "Words/Minute = ", wordsPerMinute)


Depending on if the user chooses time or accuracy, the procedure will run differently. If the user picks a test time, the procedure will compare the initial time to final time. If the user picks accuracy, this procedure loops through the reference quote tokenized word list and through the users’ tokenized word list and compares the word in the respective position for an exact match. Upon match, correct words are collected in one list, and incorrect in another. Another feature of this procedure is that it tracks the error score based on the incorrect words detected.

When the user selects ‘T ' for time, the procedure calculates the time taken by subtracting final and initial time. If the user selects ‘A’ for accuracy, the procedure, “compareQuoteToUserString” takes “userInputString” as an input parameter. This parameter contains the user typed entry string. One of the first things “compareQuoteToUserString” does is call the function“splitStringsIntoList(userInputString)” which splits the “userInputString” into its individual words using space as a delimiter. The individual words are stored in another list called “userList”. The “splitStringsIntoList” also tokenizes the reference quote string into its individual words using space as a delimiter. The individual words are stored in “quoteList”. The “splitStringsIntoList” returns the minimum word count between the two tokenized lists. Next, we loop through the two lists until the minimum word count is reached. At each iteration, using the ‘loopIndex’ as the word index in the lists, we compare the words in the ‘quoteList’ and the ‘userList’. This allows us to check for errors on a per word basis in the user string. The matched and unmatched words are stored in separate lists and displayed to the user for feedback. The procedure also calculates the error count to measure user accuracy percentage.


The first call is in the while true loop, and the first run through, the user may select 'A', and the "compareQuoteString" gets called. The next run through they may choose 'T' and then the while true loop executes again, "compareQuoteString" is called again, and executes the a different portion of code. In the case that the user selects 'A', the code of comparing the user's tokenized word list to the quote's tokenized word list, is executed, and displays the error and correct score percentages, and is also checking the conditions of the User's metric choice. In the user's second call, if they select 'T' a different portion of the "compareQuoteString" is executed, as it checks the time taken to type out the entry.