Natalie's Create Task Ideas - sarayu-pr11/team-narks GitHub Wiki

Create Task Ideas for CB:


1. Program Code ☑

  • Make a puzzle game that the user solves
  • The user can choose an image that they want to solve
    • 3 different options for puzzles
    • maybe a later add a custom puzzle button that allows the user to enter in an image url and the computer turns that image into the puzzle
  • The image is divided into pieces
  • The number of pieces is decided by the user (easy, medium, hard)
  • If the piece is placed in the correct spot, then the piece stays in place
  • There is a hint button that shows where the piece goes
  • List: -different difficulties or different type of pieces
  • Passing in Parameters:
    • if the puzzle is completed, then send the user a message that says the puzzle is correct
    • if a certain difficulty button is pressed, then the number of pieces on the puzzle increases
      • the higher the difficulty, the higher number of puzzle pieces
    • if the hint button is pressed, then a reference of the finished puzzle will show onto the screen
  • Algorithm:
    • Randomize the placement of the pieces so the user will have a harder time finding the pieces and putting them in the right place
    • Randomize the pieces the hint button will show when the hint button is pressed

2. Video ☑

  • Input image for the puzzle
  • Place pieces into the correct place (2 pieces)
  • Show different levels of difficulty
    • easy has 20 pieces
    • medium has 50 pieces
    • hard has 100 pieces
  • Show the hint button
  • Show timer mode

Extra Features: [ideas to expand project]

  • Make the user input an image url that makes that link into the puzzle
  • Make a dark/light mode
    • depending on the time of day, the puzzle game changes modes
  • Add a guide the where the pieces would go
  • Made a start over button that makes all the completed pieces go off of their place
  • Add a challenge mode that adds a timer and you have to solve the puzzle in a certain amount of time
    • the puzzle has the same amount of pieces on each difficulty (20)
      • easy has 120 seconds
      • medium has 60 seconds
      • hard has 30 seconds
    • when the timer runs out and the puzzle isn't finished, then the user loses

  1. The purpose of my program was a memory game. There is a grid of cards and the user is supposed to click two card and if the cards match, the user gets a point. If they are not a match, then the user tries again.
  2. The user clicks on a card, and it shows an image, then the user click another card.If the cards are not a match, then the user tries again.
  3. When the user clicks on a card, it sends a message to the computer to flip over the card, revealing the image.
  4. The code contains an array of the different card images. There are two of each different card.
  5. In the list, are the images of the cards that the user will match. The list contains a French fry card, a pizza, a milkshake, ice-cream, hotdog, and a burger.
  6. The name of the array is cardArray
  7. The array contains image files
  8. Without the list, it would be harder to randomize the cards in the program. It would also be harder to find all the cards. Having a list makes it easier to find each image file.
  9. Iteration is used in my program when the user clicks two cards. If the two cards look the same, then the user gets a point for matching the cards. If the two cards are different, then the user does not get a point and two cards flip back over.
  10. I have a function that is called checkForMatch which checks to see if the first card is the same card. If it is, then it sends a message, alerting the user that they have found a match and the score increases by 1. If the two cards are not a match, then the user is alerted that the cards do not match.
  11. It's an if/else statement that checks to see if the cards the user picks matches.
  12. makes the chard images in the list equal to the variable imgs. It also sets the first matching card cardId[0] and the second card cardId[1]. It then says if cardId[0] is equal to cardId[1], then it alert the user that they have found a match. The score, or cardsWon increases by 1. If the cards do not match, the user is alerted that the cards are wrong, and the cards flip back over. The number of clicks increases by one but the score does not change.