01 |
seed sowing bots which run's on battery to move motor |
seed sowing bot is the most important process in farming it makes human effort less when we pour seeds in a funnel shaped structure and then it pours in to the wheel and then it pours in to the funnel and then on to ground. |
shaft,container,wheels ,sprockets,supporting frame,screws,motor,bearings,funnel,chain,mounts, joints and fixtures. |
The proposed robot uses four motors for running it in desired directions.we use asmall bracket for pouring seed.the robot consist of a funnel like arrangement in order to pour seeds in to a lower container. there we use a shaft with a gear like bucket teeth to pick up limited quantity of seed pour them on the ground in a steady manner quantity. the front of the robot can be further fitted with a bent plate that drags on the soil to make a slot ahead of the machine before seeds are poured in it. the back portion of the robot can be fitted with a tail lie bentand that i again usedto pour soil on seeds sowed covering them with soil |
https://youtu.be/zje7rHNDD7c, https://nevonprojects.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/seed-sowing-robot-blck-sm.jpgs |
Sandesh ager, 304 |
02 |
We can use solar pannel and charge the batteries instead of charging it with electricity. |
Like we can install solar pannel at the end of any corner of the seed sowing bot and we can charge the battery using solar energy and it rotates the wheel. |
solar panel, motor,bearings square shaped storage container,screws,chain,wheels ,brush |
Motors will be used to rotate the wheels and it helps to move the bot and also seeds from container and chains supports it screws are used to join the frames and seeds from container pour in to the hole which we made seeds to pour on to ground and brush helps us to sweep soil on the seed |
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fnevonprojects.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F04%2Fseed-sowing-robot-blck-sm.jpg&f=1&nofb=1 |
sandesh ager,304 |