Fedora and Solr for development in Hyrax - samvera/hyrax GitHub Wiki

A way to run Fedora and Solr while doing development work in Hyrax.

In a terminal window run the following command to launch Fedora:

bundle exec fcrepo_wrapper -p 8984

In a separate terminal window run the following command to launch Solr:

bundle exec solr_wrapper -p 8983 -d solr/config -n hydra-development

In a separate terminal window run the following command to run the Rails application:

cd .internal_test_app
bundle exec rails s

With this approach you can stop and restart the Rails application without having to kill Fedora and Solr.

One caveat in all of this is, based on the implementations of solr_wrapper, fcrepo_wrapper, and engine_cart, the above tasks will download new Solr and Fedora instances if:

  1. You rebuild your EngineCart created internal_test_app
  2. SOLR releases a new version
  3. FCRepo releases a new version

For guidance on how to minimize re-downloads you'll want to specify a custom --config (or additional settings). See https://github.com/jeremyf/samvera-configs for additional guidance.