Background Workers - samvera/hyrax GitHub Wiki

Hyrax processes long-running or particularly slow work in background jobs to speed up the web request/response cycle.


Hyrax does not package a default queuing back-end for background jobs. Hyrax builds its jobs using the Rails ActiveJob framework, so there is a wide variety of back-ends that you may use that will work with Hyrax including Sidekiq, Resque, and DelayedJob. Flexibility and choice come with a cost, though, and there's some work involved with integrating whichever queuing back-end you select.

If you'd like to use Sidekiq or Resque in your Hyrax app, we've written up a couple guides on using Sidekiq with Hyrax and using Resque with Hyrax to help you along.

We recommend using Sidekiq, which is better maintained and has fewer quirks.

Queue Names

A subset of Hyrax's jobs use a shared queue name that is specified in Hyrax.config.ingest_queue_name within the Hyrax initializer (config/initializers/hyrax.rb in your application). By default, that value is the ActiveJob default, called :default. If you need more granular control of which jobs use what queue names, you can control this on a per-class level by including code such as the following in an initializer:

StreamNotificationsJob.queue_as :notifications
EventJob.queue_as :events
ImportUrlJob.queue_as :import
AttachFilesToWorkJob.queue_as :attach

Or, to put all of Hyrax's jobs on a single queue:

Hyrax::ApplicationJob.queue_as :omnibus
Hyrax.config.ingest_queue_name = :omnibus