Sprint 4 Project Planning - samjamhen/Watermelons-soen341projectW2024 GitHub Wiki

After the successful completion of Sprint 3, where we implemented core features such as Find a Branch, Check-in Process, and Check-out Process, we are now gearing up for Sprint 4. In this sprint, our focus will be on introducing new functionality for additional extra features and enhancing user experience through the review feature.

Key Highlights:

  1. Additional Extra Feature: This feature will allow clients to add their cars for rent. The admin will have the authority to approve or deny the requests and manage the addition of vehicles to the database. This involves implementing both front-end UI components for user interaction and backend logic for handling vehicle requests.

  2. Review Feature: Customers will be able to review rented cars upon checkout, and their ratings will be displayed on the catalog. This includes designing intuitive interfaces for users to submit reviews and implementing backend logic to display ratings effectively.

Risk Assessment:

As with previous sprints, we have identified high-priority functionalities crucial for the success of the project and categorized them based on risk levels. We will continue to monitor and mitigate risks throughout the sprint to ensure timely delivery of features.

Task Assignment:

Tasks will be assigned based on individual expertise and the aim of delivering every system requirement in a timely manner. We will break down user stories into smaller tasks and assign them to individual team members to ensure efficient progress.

Difficulty Point System:

We will continue to use the Fibonacci point system to assign time estimates to tasks based on their complexity. This system allows for a fair assessment of the difficulty level of each task and helps in better planning and allocation of resources.


Sprint 4 will focus on implementing additional extra features such as Client Vehicle Addition and enhancing user experience through the Review Feature. By effectively allocating tasks, assessing risks, and maintaining a collaborative effort, we aim to successfully deliver all system requirements and further enhance the project.