Sprint 2 Project Planning - samjamhen/Watermelons-soen341projectW2024 GitHub Wiki

After the completion of Sprint 1, we have successfully curated all our tasks, and worked on proper documentation, as well as setting up Development environment. Nevertheless, For Sprint 2, we are now focused on delivering the key features and functionalities catering to the needs of both system administrators and clients/customers as defined in the System Requirements. The sprint involves a combination of front-end and back-end development tasks, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust system functionality.

Key Highlights:

  1. User Management: System administrators are to be provided access to essential tools for managing users, including completing CRUD operations on user accounts, Vehicle Posting, and Reservation management. Tasks ranged from designing UI elements for user interaction to implementing backend functionalities for data manipulation, and data storage.
  2. Vehicle Management: we plan on implementing the functional requirements to handle vehicle postings, reservations, and catalog browsing. This included functionalities such as completing CRUD operations on specific vehicles, and viewing vehicle catalogs with sorting options.
  3. Reservation Management: Customer service representatives, customers and system administrators were provided with intuitive interfaces to manage reservations. This covers functionalities such as viewing, modifying, and canceling existing reservations, along with providing confirmation messages and summary details.
  4. UI/UX Improvements: We plan on also enhancing the overall user experience by designing intuitive user interfaces, ensuring ease of access to critical features like catalog browsing, reservation forms, and user management.

Risk Assessment:

  • The team identified high-priority functionalities crucial for the core product offering and categorized them as high-risk due to their significance these information can be found in the burndown chart.
  • Our Risk system encompasses of High Risk, and Low Risk, which was further broken down through permutation with Values. So we have High risk, high value, High risk low value, low risk high value, and low risk low value.

Task Assignment:

  • We assigned tasks based on individual expertise and the aim for sprint 2 is to deliver every system requirement in a timely manner,
  • Most of the user stories have been broken down into miniscule tasks, and some user stories are assigned to multiple team members, while the tasks are appointed to individual team members
  • Difficulty Point system:
  • For this sprint and future sprints we are going to utilize the fibonacci point system to assign time spent on tasks. The more complex the task, the more time we will associate with it.
  • We used this system because it is easy to understand, and allows a fair discrepancy between difficulty levels of each task.


The Plan for sprint 2 is focused on delivering high-value functionalities essential for the product's success, addressing key user needs and system requirements. Make sure we successfully build the embryo of our project, and meet all system requirements. We plan on achieving this through effective task allocation, risk assessment, and collaborative effort.