Roadmap towards Babylon.js 4.0.0 - samdauwe/BabylonCpp GitHub Wiki
[x] High level objectives
- Update to Babylon.js 4.0.0
- Core library
- glTF loader
- Inspector
- Materials library
- Procedural textures library
- Full Windows support
- Improve feature support:
- Shadows
- Special FX
[x] February 2020
- Continue porting BabylonCpp core library to 4.1.0-beta.13 (version 13/12/2019)
- Debug rendering issues in the examples
[x] January 2020
- Continue porting BabylonCpp core library to 4.1.0-beta.13 (version 13/12/2019)
- Automatic sample regression tests
- Investigate ANGLE support
- Debug rendering issues in the examples
[ ] December 2019
- Finish Engine and Effect classes to v4.0.0
- Finish update BabylonCpp core library to 4.1.0-alpha.17
- Finish porting Node Material 4.1.0-alpha.17 version and enable in the build
- Start porting BabylonCpp core library to 4.1.0-beta.13 (version 13/12/2019)
- Start work on WebAssemply POC
- Cleanup build scripts and extend for Emscripten toolchain
- Implement asynchronous loading of files
- Resolved build issues related to using Emscripten
- Add support for SDL2
- Investigate asynchronous asset loading in glTF loader
[x] November 2019
- Finish update glTF loader to version v4.0.0
- Improve code quality
- Add support for clang-tidy
- Resolve warnings reported by clang-tidy
- Run clang-tidy to modernize the code
- Make samples headerless
- Fix common errors (i.e. sorting issue, issue related to removing items from vector)
- Extend babylon_stl helper function file to improve code readability
- Remove hex planet generation extension because it is not support anymore
- Debug not working examples
- Investigate how to avoid recreating a scene when resizing the gui
- Add RecastJS extension
- Add Recast Navigation dependency
- Add babylon core navigation headers
- Port RecastJSPlugin and related files
- Add Crowds and navigation agents example
[x] October 2019
- Start update BabylonCpp core library to 4.1.0-alpha.17
- Fix .babylon file loading issues
- Fix Inspector v2.0 scene graph
- Test bigger scenes
[x] September 2019
- Investigate and test BabylonNative
- Start porting Node Material 4.1.0-alpha.17 version
- Resolve VS2017 issues
- Enable unit tests
- Test examples
[x] August 2019
- Update BabylonCpp core library to v4.0.0 (-> 99 %)
- Test offscreen rendering
- Replace SampleLauncher by SampleRunner
[x] July 2019
- Update BabylonCpp core library to v4.0.0 (-> 95 %)
- Remove OimoCpp
[x] June 2019
- Update BabylonCpp core library to v4.0.0 (-> 50 %)
- Update Inspector v2.0: third iteration
- Add post-processes property grids
- Add Solid Particle System examples (Documentation)
- Buildings SPS scene
- Lighted SPS scene
- Test glTF 2.0 Sample Models
- Simple models for testing individual features
- PBR models
- Further PBR models
[x] May 2019
- Start update BabylonCpp core library to v4.0.0 (-> 25 %)
- Improve build management
- Add Clang compiler to Travis CI
- Add MacOSX target to Travis CI
- Add Solid Particle System examples (Documentation)
- A lot of triangles with SPS (Not fully working yet!)
- Test glTF 2.0 Sample Models
- Simple models for testing individual features
- More complex models