Web API (application programming interface) is an interface with functions that allow programmers to have specific features/data
REST (representational state transfer) API conforms to the constraints of REST style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services
FETCH API simply is a fetching resources interface that accesses/manipulates resources asynchronously across a network
Async API is a application programming interface that returns data for requests at a later time, it executes along with the program and when the call returns, a “callback” function is executed
API request is when an API provides a structured path for the application to gain the capabilities of another application
API response is the response to the request that is sent, a message the server receives
Sequence - the computer runs the code in order, from the top to the bottom, one line at a time
Procedure - a group of programming instructions that has a purpose (Procedure in JavaScript - function; Procedure in Python - def)
Procedural Abstraction - allows procedure to be used without needing to know the details of how it works (the name tells you what the procedure does and you can just use it by naming the procedure)
OOP or object-oriented programming is a computer programming model that focuses mostly on objects and classes
Class is a template that helps create objects, define variables, and defines methods for all the objects in a type <div class="container" id="todo-list">
Attributes are a characteristic, they are essentially data stored in a class that represent the state of the class <img src="/static/assets/SAwithmask.jpg"/>
Methods are programmed procedures that are part of a class and in all the class' objects, can be re-used multiple times
Objects are units of code, they are made into a class and usually defined to be shared and used (to do whatever they're defined to do)
Major operations of a database, and essential to the creation of a successful one
Sort, Search-Linear/Binary
Sort - rearrange/organize items/data into a certain order (easier to read, more efficient, easier to implement search algorithm)
(unsorted) 3 1 4 2 --> 1 2 3 4 (sorted)
Linear Search (or sequential search) - searching one by one (sequentially) until you find the item (not as efficient as binary search)
Binary Search - split the whole sorted list of items into two halves/from the middle, you can check if it matches and if it doesn't, then whether the item is before or after this middle item, then you can eliminate half of the items and repeat the process until you find the item.