Management Plan - samayasankuratri/flask_portfolio GitHub Wiki
How have you started your GitHub project? Did you create a .gitignore to avoid committing files that don't belong in version control? Did you make sure NO .idea files are in your GitHub repository. We have actually started our GitHub project. We first created our individual homepages and made sure to add them all to the navbar.html. We also made sure to remove files that wouldn't be necessary to our project. Some of us have even started to add to our individual homepages. We did make sure to create a .gitignore for committing files and removed all the .idea files from our GitHub repository.
How do you manage commits to avoid problems?
We make sure to commit whenever we make big changes to the code and then inform everyone in the Scrum Team that we made a new commit. This is done to make sure everyone can update their code and work through any small errors before the deadline approaches. -
Have you considered branching techniques with pull requests?
We haven't considered using branching techniques, but we will probably discuss using them soon since it seems like a good way to collaborate with many members without having code clash after every commit. -
What actions will you take this Trimester to get better at managing merge or commit problems? We did create this new commit system in our Scrum Team based off of past experiences with errors after committing towards the end of the week. This new system allows us communicate throughout the week much better and solve commit errors without the stress of approaching deadlines
Screenshots with Current Progress: