Porting my website from distill to quarto - samanthacsik/samanthacsik.github.io GitHub Wiki

General steps:

  1. created new repo, samanthacsik-quarto-website that I'll eventually rename as samanthacsik.github.io once I decommission my distill site
  2. followed steps as outlined in the Create the scaffolding for your website section (I just went with the RStudio setup option)
  3. created .qmd file for my resources page, copied content over from .Rmd file and linked to navbar in _quarto.yml
  4. added blog following the steps outlined in #2


  • install font awesome extension using the following in the command line: quarto install extension quarto-ext/fontawesome

Code chunks

  • update code chunk options = moving them from inside {} to hashpipes, #|; quarto uses - rather than _ as a separator and booleans are lowercase (e.g. true, false) rather than uppercase (e.g. TRUE, FALSE)

Blog post yaml differences:

  • note differences in author name, orcid, affiliation-url


title: title here
   - name: Samantha Csik
   - orcid: ####-####-####-####
   - affiliation: Master of Environmental Data Science & the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis
   -  affiliation_url: https://bren.ucsb.edu/masters-programs/master-environmental-data-science

versus distill:

title: title here
   - first_name: "Samantha"
   - last_name: "Csik"
   - orcid_id: ####-####-####-####
   - affiliation: Master of Environmental Data Science & the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis
   - affiliation_url: https://bren.ucsb.edu/masters-programs/master-environmental-data-science
  • Quarto categories inside brackets ([cat1, cat2]) while distill is listed:
    - cat1
    - cat 2
  • Quarto preview image option: image: preview_image.png vs. distill option: preview: preview_image.png

  • adding citation links:

  url: https://samanthacsik.github.io/talks/2022-08-05-creating-your-personal-website-using-quarto/


There may be a more sophisticated way of doing this, but these were the steps I took:

  1. My distill site was hosted for free via GitHub pages from the repo samanthacsik.github.io -- I first needed to free the domain name by unpublishing the distill website. To do this, go to Settings > Pages > click the three dots next to Visit Site > Unpublish site
  1. Rename the original website repo something different (bc we'll need to rename the quarto website repo as samanthacsik.github.io. I renamed mine to samanthacsik-distill-site by going to Settings > General > Rename site (type new name in the box at the top of the page)
  1. Go to the repo containing your quarto website and rename as samanthacsik.github.io.
  2. Go to Settings > Pages and deploy (make sure it's deploying from /docs and not /root