Setting up WIFI using nmcli - sakaki-/gentoo-on-rpi-64bit GitHub Wiki
If you want to get wifi working within the SD card for gentoo for the rpi. One approach is to add a section to the file in the boot partition. This has the advantage of being accessible from a separate windows or linux device since the boot partition is FAT formatted, so can be done headless.
As an example
echo "Setting up WiFi with automatically assigned address..."
nmcli con del "MyWiFi-DHCP-IP"
nmcli con add con-name "MyWiFi-DHCP-IP" type wifi \
ifname wlan0 ssid "MY-SSID-GOES-HERE" -- \
wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk \
ipv4.method auto
nmcli con up "MyWiFi-DHCP-IP"
The two main values to fill in are the "MY-SSID-GOES-HERE" and "MY-WIFI-PASSWORD-GOES-HERE"
To list the active connections
nmcli connection show --active
# Results
MyWiFi-DHCP-IP 2098f0f5-04f8-4b11-b308-138c4be9b5f5 wifi wlan0
To show the connection details
nmcli connection show id MyWiFi-DHCP-IP
# Results MyWiFi-DHCP-IP
connection.uuid: 2098f0f5-04f8-4b11-b308-138c4be9b5f5
connection.stable-id: --
connection.type: 802-11-wireless MyWiFi-DHCP-IP
connection.uuid: 2098f0f5-04f8-4b11-b308-138c4be9b5f5
connection.stable-id: --
connection.type: 802-11-wireless
connection.interface-name: wlan0
connection.autoconnect: yes
connection.autoconnect-priority: 0