Event Plugin Commands - saikedemon/omori-modding GitHub Wiki
This page will document important Plugin Commands used in OMORI, and their functions. These can be used by selecting the Plugin Command option in the Rpgmaker event block, and then typing in the commands below. USAGE OF THESE COMMANDS REQUIRES RPGMAKER MV
NOTE: Dialogue in OMORI is stored in yaml files in the languages folder, and are organized by message numbers (usually). A template yaml can be found in the decrypted game files or here if you are struggling to figure it out
ShowMessage file.messageId
- This will display a dialogue box with the selected message.
EXAMPLE: "ShowMessage dw_boss_rush.message_1" will show the message "message_1" in the dw_boss_rush.yaml file.
AddChoice file.messageId Label
- This will add a choice with the text of the selected message, and jumping to the Label "Label" when selected.
EXAMPLE: AddChoice XX_GENERAL.message_4 Label1 will add a choice displaying the text "YES", jumping to the label "Label1" when selected.
NOTE: Labels are another option in rpgmaker's event block menu. I would advise familiarizing yourself with how they work before attempting usage of this command and the ShowChoices command below.
ShowChoices [AMOUNT]
- This will show choices that were created using the AddChoice command, up to a set amount. This is needed to make the choices selectable. The amount starts from 0 and goes up.
EXAMPLE: ShowChoices 1 will show up to 2 choices created, rather than 1.
Extra Note for choices: XX_GENERAL.message_4 will always be "YES" and XX_GENERAL.message_5 will always be "NO", unless manually modified.
Camera Movement
NOTE: [SPEED] is an extra parameter for a number representing how fast the camera moves. 800 is the default, lower numbers increase the speed while higher numbers decrease it. If you choose to not include the parameter entirely, it will be set to its default, 800.
- Focuses the camera onto the player.
EXAMPLE: "CAM PLAYER" Moves the camera to the player at the default speed.
- Moves the camera to an event. The event ID is the number at the bottom right of the screen after selecting an event.
EXAMPLE: "CAM EVENT 7" Moves the camera to event 7 at the default speed.
- Moves the camera to the x and y coordinates set. Self explanatory.
EXAMPLE: "CAM 5 9" Moves the camera to the position [5, 9] at the default speed.
- Disables custom camera movement, returning it to rpgmaker default (the camera follows the player).