Introducing Americium to your tests - sageserpent-open/americium GitHub Wiki

Trials, supplying test cases to tests, shrinkage in action

Americium's API is built around the Trials<Case> generic interface. A trials instance supplies test case data fed to a test that takes a single test case as a parameter; the test repeatedly carries out a trial of whatever it tests using varying test cases.

We say that a trials instance supplies test cases to a parameterised test, each execution of the test being a trial. The type parameter of Trials is the type of the supplied test cases. Loosely speaking, we can think of Trials as being some kind of fountain of test data to start with - but as the name suggests, there is a notion of a test failing or succeeding that is important - we'll come back to this in a bit...

Let's see a simple example in JShell:-


final Trials<Integer> trials = Trials.api().integers(-5, 5);


We always start with an API object that for Java folk is accessed via a static method in and for Scala folk is accessed via a method in the companion object for com.sageserpent.americium.Trials (note that the Scala flavour is the default in the package namespace, Java has to be called out explicitly).

The API objects both have a swathe of methods for getting a trials instance - we use .integers and supply lower and upper bounds to the test cases to supply.

Here, we've used System.out::println as our parameterised test. Unless our test cases have a very poor implementation of .toString, it is unlikely that this 'test' can fail, but it is instructive to see the output:


So we asked for a Trials<Integer> to supply a range of integer test cases between -5 and 5, and it did that. Huzzah!

Looking closely, we note that there is no repetition in the supplied cases, and that one case is missing - the number 3. Now, we asked for a limit of at most 10 cases, and there are 11 integers between -5 and 5 inclusive, so that makes sense.

We always have to control the number of trials performed, and this is what .withLimit is for. For example:

final Trials<Integer> trials = Trials.api().integers();


That overload of .integers uses a default range spanning the entire domain of integer values, so this combination will churn out:


There are a lot of integers, so we need the limit to tell Americium that we're happy that it has tested enough or else it would have to slog through all 2^32 values. In fact, we cannot avoid the limit - the .supplyTo method belongs to another generic interface SupplyToSyntax<Case>, and we get that via the bridging call to .withLimit, so we're sure some limit is enforced.

Let's make the test more exciting:

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

final Trials<Integer> trials = Trials.api().integers();

trials.withLimit(1000).supplyTo(x -> {
    final int xSquared = x * x;

    assertThat(xSquared / x, equalTo(x));

What happens? We see a test failure:

Expected: <-46367>
     but: was <46262>

Clearly there has been arithmetic overflow and thus wraparound when the test case was squared. Let's modify that test a little to peek at what's going on...

trials.withLimit(1000).supplyTo(x -> {
    final int xSquared = x * x;

    try {
        assertThat(xSquared / x, equalTo(x));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw e;

Now we see this:

Expected: <797772800>
     but: was <1>
Expected: <637157859>
     but: was <2>
Expected: <179318108>
     but: was <-9>
Expected: <83665336>
     but: was <-23>
Expected: <72142783>
     but: was <-1>
Expected: <58037089>
     but: was <23>
Expected: <9360959>
     but: was <174>
Expected: <8098142>
     but: was <5>
Expected: <7867278>
     but: was <-90>
Expected: <7611507>
     but: was <29>
Expected: <1873786>
     but: was <1113>
Expected: <1002214>
     but: was <-588>
Expected: <890081>
     but: was <2213>
Expected: <480682>
     but: was <-1816>
Expected: <252673>
     but: was <-2298>
Expected: <-142617>
     but: was <7959>
Expected: <99081>
     but: was <12384>
Expected: <-49681>
     but: was <36769>
Expected: <-48964>
     but: was <38752>
Expected: <-46976>
     but: was <44452>
Expected: <46686>
     but: was <-45310>
Expected: <-46367>
     but: was <46262>

Americium notices the very first failing trial, where a whopping 797772800 was squared, then goes into shrinkage mode, where it tries to maximise the shrinkage of the test case that causes the test to fail, resulting in the test case of -46367 that we saw earlier. While it is shrinking, it intercepts the exceptions thrown by the test and keeps going; once it has settled on a final failing test case, it propagates the exception out of the call to .supplyTo, so by default, you will see the maximally shrunk test case.

The reason for using phrase 'maximally shrunk' and not just plain 'minimised' is that there is no guarantee that the test case is truly a minimum - there may be values that are even more shrunk, nor have we have discussed what we would mean by minimum yet - in this case the values oscillated as shrinkage increased, switching back and forth from positive to negative.

Doing some trial and error manual testing yields the best shrinkage of -46341. If we increase the limit in the test above from 1000 to 1500, we will find that Americium roots out the best value of -46341, but even so, that first maximally shrunk case of -46367 wasn't bad. In fact, Americium can shrink down to -47445 if run with a miserly limit of 10 trials.

The moral of the story is, if you want to get good shrinkage of your failing test case, give Americium a high enough limit - experiment with it.

The eagle-eyed will observe that more test cases can be supplied to the test than the limit if a failure is observed. We'll get to that in the section about configuration, but for now, the rule is simply that as long as the trials all succeed, Americium will not supply more test cases than the limit.

To summarise, we're seen how to get a trials of integers, how to supply test cases from it to a test, and what happens when a test trial fails. Great. Now take a look at TrialsApi in your preferred language API flavour and note the plethora of convenience methods for building trials of integers, longs, big integers, doubles, big decimals, bytes, characters, strings, Booleans and instants. Some are overloaded to take ranges, and some have a mysterious shrinkage target too - we'll talk about that when we revisit shrinkage in a later topic.

Next topic: Variations in making a trials instance...

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