2. Creating elements - sader4/Splatoon GitHub Wiki

Elements are the actual drawings that are shown overlaying the game. A layout without elements does functionally nothing. To add elements, select the desired layout and click Add element. The newly created element will be named "Unnamed element x" by default.


Basic Elements

There are 6 different element types that can be created, split into 2 categories:

  • Circle / line / cone at fixed coordinates: Draws a circle, donut, line, or cone on the field at a specific xyz position. This position cannot be changed dynamically by any factors.

  • Circle / line / cone relative to object position: Same as above, but the positon can be dynamically changed based on multiple different factors.

There are also multiple options that are common to most elements.

  • Account For Rotation: Checking this will make the reference coordinates of the element rotate with the object instead of being solely NSEW.

  • Reference Position / Point A / Point B: The spot on the field written in coordinates XYZ that the element is centered at, or in the case of Point A and B, is drawn between. These values can be typed manually by double clicking the box, holding the box down and dragging left and right, or selected on the field by clicking the mouse pointer icon and clicking the spot.

  • Line Thickness: How thick the lines of the element will be when drawn on screen. Filled can also be checked to fill in the element with color instead of just being an outline. The color selection box is also located here which allows changing the color of the element and, most imporantly, the a (Alpha) value of the element, which determines how transparent or opaque it is (0-255).


  • Radius: The radius of the circle, or in the case of lines, how wide the line is. Measured in yalms. The Donut option is also located here, which can extend beyond the radius of the circle to create a donut shape.

  • Tether: (For circles only) Draws a tether from your character to the center of the circle.

  • Overlay Text: Displays text relative to the element. Can change the vertical offset to increase or decrease the height of the text, change the size of the font, change the background color of the text box, change the text color, and enable placeholders that can display dynamic info or add a new line in the text box.

Relative Elements

All elements which are relative to object positions include additional options that form the base of more complicated layouts involving invisible or untargetable actors. The process of finding these invisible actors will be described in more detail here.


  • Targeted Object: Self (your character), Targeted enemy, or most commonly, Game object with specific data.

  • Single / Multiple Attributes: A list of different attributes that can be chosen to select a specific game actor based on data specific to that actor. When choosing multiple attributes, ALL attributes entered must be true (AND functionaly). All ID attributes must be entered in hexadecimal format if Use hexadecimal numbers is enabled in the General tab.

  • Targetability: Elements will be displayed only on targetable actors, untargetable ones, or only ones that are visible on the screen (can also be untargetable).

  • While (not) Casting: Controls whether the element will be displayed only when the specified actor is casting or not casting an ability. Specific casts can be added by clicking -No values- and typing in the cast ID of the cast. Casts can also be added by name using the "Add all by name:" box. Can also be limited by cast time to only show during a specific time of the cast.

  • Status Requirement: Requires a specific status (buff or debuff) to be on the selected game actor. As with casts, can add by the ID or the name, as well as by the time remaining on the status. Can be set to also require all statuses to be present, or inverely, any status to be misssing.

  • Distance Limit: Distinctly different from the Distance Limit in the layout screen in that this checks the distance from the specific game object to a XYZ coordinate on the field.

  • Rotation Limit: Only displays the element when within 2 set degrees of rotation.

  • Object Life Time: Only displays the element when the specific game object has been on the field for a certain length of time.

  • Transformation ID: Used in cases where the model of the actor changes, such as in TOP with Omega-M and F growing blade legs and a shield.