1. Creating layouts - sader4/Splatoon GitHub Wiki

Before creating presets for fights, it is highly reccomended to acquire the A Realm Recorded plugin by UnknownX7 as it allows the replay of any duty while in an inn room. This can help to nail down specific triggers and timing of layouts.

To create a preset, click the + button at the top left of the Layouts tab, type in a name, and click Add. The new layout will then show up in the list on the left of the window.


A list of options will then be presented in the right pane when you click on the layout.

  • Group: Groups are the yellow categories shown on the left side that group presets together, usually based on the specific fight. Either select a group or type in a new group name and press Add.

  • Enabled and Phase Selection: Enable can be checked or unchecked to enable or disable the entire layout. Phase selection only works for certain fights which have multiple phases but it's generally safe to just leave it on Any Phase.

  • Display Conditions: This determines when and how the layout will be shown. Most of these are self explainatory except triggers which will be touched upon down below.

  • Zone Whitelist or Blacklist: This determines in which zones of the game the layout will operate in. It defaults to whitelisiting the current zone the layout was created in. When in whitelist mode, it will only appear in the selected zones, and when in blacklist mode, it will appear in every zone except the zones selected.

  • Job Lock: Can be used to make the selected layout only work when on a specific job.

  • Distance Limit: Enable this to make the layout only show when your character is within a certain distance from either a) Distance to current target or b) Distance to element (the stuff that is drawn on the screen).

  • Freeze: This option can cause elements on the screen to freeze in place regardless of other interactions such as the triggering actor moving. Freeze for x amount of seconds. Refreeze interval is the amount of time before it can be refrozen. Display delay is the amount of time before the frozen element is shown.

  • Enable triggers: The bread and butter of causing elements to appear at specific times in the fight. Checking this will allow you to Add new trigger. Can be set to Show at time in combat, Hide at time in combat, Show at log message, or Hide at log message. Can also set other options such as duration shown and delay until shown.

Triggers will trigger based upon the Splatoon log function which can be found in the Tools>Log tab.


Some common types of triggers include:

  • Casting triggers such as (12377>33540). This is written in the form ((Name ID of NPC)>(Cast ID)). This type of trigger will work internationally.

  • VFX/Headmarker triggers such as vfx/common/eff/dk02ht_zan0m.avfx spawned on me. This would cause a trigger to occur when a specific headmarker or vfx appears over your character. As with above, this would work internationally.

  • Boss voice lines or any other RP text that appears in the chat log. These types of triggers will only work in their respective language.