Modules - sachatrauwaen/Dnn.Platform GitHub Wiki
The idea is to migrate step by step to MVC.
So in the the first step some part will run in MVC and other parts in WebForms.
To have a working site we need actually to have all modules supporting MVC and WebForms.
Actually to add MVC support to a existing WebForms module we need to add a Mvc Controllers and Razor files (.cshtml).
The razor files need to be created inside a Views subfolder of the module.
Each module control need :
1) a mvc controller with name equal to the ControlSrc without 'DesktopModules' at the beginning, 'View' in place of '.acsx', removing '/' folder separator if exist and action equal to 'Invoke'. Or allternativelly you can only create a partial razor file in the 'Partials' subfolder of the module with name equal to the ControlSrc and replacing '.acsx' by '.cshtml'.
Remark : You need also to put a web.config in the Views and Partials folder. web.config example
The controller action is executed as a Child Action (from a Html.Action helper with MonduleInfo as parameter)
2) a control, [optional] a class equal to Control source filename + 'Control' in the same namespace and assembly as the business controller class.
The purhase of this class is implementing optionally control interfaces like IActionable
3) For implementing forms you can use MVC post actions on the mvc controller witch are called as ajax calls.
The easy way to do it is by using the jquery forms plugin. jquery forms plugin