Take a Screenshot - s76/libgdx GitHub Wiki

This example shows how to take a screenshot and save it in PNG format. It even adds a suffix when multiple Screenshots are taken.

public class ScreenshotFactory {

	private static int counter = 1;
	public static void saveScreenshot(){
			FileHandle fh;
				fh = new FileHandle("screenshot" + counter++ + ".png");
			}while (fh.exists());
			Pixmap pixmap = getScreenshot(0, 0, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight(), false);
			PixmapIO.writePNG(fh, pixmap);
		}catch (Exception e){			

	private static Pixmap getScreenshot(int x, int y, int w, int h,	boolean yDown){
		final Pixmap pixmap = ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixmap(x, y, w, h);

		if (yDown) {
			// Flip the pixmap upside down
			ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();
			int numBytes = w * h * 4;
			byte[] lines = new byte[numBytes];
			int numBytesPerLine = w * 4;
			for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
				pixels.position((h - i - 1) * numBytesPerLine);
				pixels.get(lines, i * numBytesPerLine, numBytesPerLine);

		return pixmap;

##Using Screenshots to Create Videos

Screenshots can also be used to create lossless videos by taking a screenshot every frame and using external software to convert the PNGs to a video.

Example Video

On Linux, this can be done with ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -i screenshot%d.png -r 60 -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 output.avi

To increase performance while taking screenshots, screenshots can be stored in memory (an Array or other collection) and written in a large batch. This obviously requires large amounts of available memory, depending on the size of the PNGs and the number of shots taken per batch. It is a good method for taking gameplay videos of only a few seconds in length without slowing down the game too much with File IO operations.