Google Play Game Services in LibGDX - s76/libgdx GitHub Wiki

Google Play Game Services offers cross platform social leaderboards, achievements, and much more (realtime multiplayer, cloud saves, anti-piracy...)

A Super Jumper based example that makes use of Leaderboards and Achievements is available to download from Google Play.

The project is freely available on GitHub, and a companion tutorial is available here.

Another in-depth LibGDX-based tutorial for adding Google Play Game Servics can be found here.

Intellij Setup

  1. Install Google Play Service and Google Play Repository using and Android SDK

  2. Download BaseGameUtils sample project here and place it in your project root folder.

  3. Edit settings.gradle

include 'desktop', 'android', 'ios', 'html', 'core', "BaseGameUtils"
  1. Edit root build.gradle and add the below as android dependency:
compile project(":BaseGameUtils")