trigger_event_0 - ryzom/ryzomcore GitHub Wiki

title: Trigger Event 0-9 description: published: true date: 2023-03-12T01:59:56.854Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2023-03-12T00:55:18.850Z


The trigger_event_0 to trigger_event_9 actions trigger a user_event_0 to user_event_9 event handler for one or more other NPC groups that are specified.

This is useful to let one NPC trigger another NPC's behaviours. The user events can also be triggered from EGS by missions.

Parameter Syntax

<group name>
[<group name>]


  • <group name>: The name of the NPC group to trigger the event handler for. Multiple group names can be specified as separate parameter lines.

See also

  • Set Timer T0-3: Set a timer for a game cycle duration or at a specific Ryzom time that triggers a timer_t0_triggered to timer_t3_triggered event.
  • Code: An action that executes a block of AI script code. This action can be used to create custom event handlers and to perform advanced event processing logic.
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