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title: OpenNeL Revision Logs description: published: true date: 2023-03-01T05:19:41.764Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-10T02:30:03.181Z

From FishEye archive

297 by mattraykowski on 21 November 2007, 12:35:26 -0600 (61 hours ago) ADDED: snowballs media trunk/media/maps/gnu_collar.tga 297 history download (+0) new trunk/media/landscape/tiles/transitions/AlphaNoiseC/Psd/alpha_noisec_07.psd 297 history download (+0) new trunk/media/landscape/tiles/transitions/AlphaNoiseB/Psd/alpha_noiseb_13.psd 297 history download (+0) new trunk/media/maps/tree_bot.tga 297 history download (+0) new trunk/media/landscape/tiles/transitions/AlphaNoiseB/ 297 history download (+0) new … 251 more files in changeset. 296 by acemtp on 21 November 2007, 11:26:07 -0600 (62 hours ago) no comment trunk/nelns/services_8.sln 296 history download (+40 -0) diffs trunk/nelns/login_service/login_service_8.vcproj 296 history download (+1 -1) diffs 295 by acemtp on 21 November 2007, 11:25:37 -0600 (62 hours ago) no comment trunk/nel/ 295 history download (+0 -0) diffs 294 by acemtp on 21 November 2007, 11:08:37 -0600 (63 hours ago) CHANGED: is executable trunk/nelns/ 294 history download (+0 -0) diffs 293 by acemtp on 21 November 2007, 10:51:42 -0600 (63 hours ago) CHANGED: new the file is executable trunk/snowballs2/ 293 history download (+0 -0) diffs 292 by mattraykowski on 21 November 2007, 09:31:44 -0600 (64 hours ago) UPDATE: Fixed IStream namespace references UPDATE: Fixed some 'assumed' STL functionality to be explicit. trunk/nel/tools/pacs/build_indoor_rbank/main.cpp 292 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/pacs/build_ig_boxes/main.cpp 292 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/3d/object_viewer/vegetable_dlg.cpp 292 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/pacs/build_rbank/build_surf.cpp 292 history download (+8 -0) diffs trunk/nel/tools/3d/zone_dump/zone_dump.cpp 292 history download (+2 -2) diffs … 1 more file in changeset. 291 by mattraykowski on 21 November 2007, 09:29:03 -0600 (64 hours ago) UPDATE: fixed a bad include trunk/nel/include/nel/sound/sound_anim_marker.h 291 history download (+1 -1) diffs 290 by spex_sf on 20 November 2007, 15:04:49 -0600 (3 days ago) FIXED: removed STLport dependencies for Snowballs; fix for issue NEL-16 trunk/snowballs2/ 290 history download (+0 -9) diffs trunk/snowballs2/automacros/am_stlport.m4 290 history deleted 289 by mattraykowski on 20 November 2007, 14:35:13 -0600 (3 days ago) UPDATE: Fixed namespace issue for NEL-16 trunk/nel/src/pacs/chain.cpp 289 history download (+3 -3) diffs 288 by mattraykowski on 20 November 2007, 14:26:54 -0600 (3 days ago) UPDATE: Fixed call to deallocate for NEL-16 trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.h 288 history download (+1 -1) diffs 287 by mattraykowski on 20 November 2007, 13:49:27 -0600 (3 days ago) UPDATE: Fix udp sample to have compliant hash func and use defines. trunk/nel/samples/net/udp/bench_service.cpp 287 history download (+6 -3) diffs 286 by mattraykowski on 20 November 2007, 13:47:50 -0600 (3 days ago) MERGE: this is the result of merging branch_mtr_nostlport with trunk (NEL-16) trunk/nel/src/3d/tile_far_bank.cpp 286 history download (+2 -2) diffs trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/stddirect3d.h 286 history download (+5 -1) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/dsound/listener_dsound.h 286 history download (+0 -5) diffs trunk/nel/src/3d/point_light.h 286 history download (+3 -2) diffs trunk/nel/src/ligo/zone_bank.cpp 286 history download (+1 -0) diffs … 77 more files in changeset. 285 by mattraykowski on 20 November 2007, 07:19:11 -0600 (3 days ago) REMOVED: Extra, deprecated code. trunk/nel/src/misc/ 285 history download (+0 -1) diffs trunk/nel/src/misc/string_stream.cpp 285 history deleted 284 by mattraykowski on 19 November 2007, 12:04:22 -0600 (4 days ago) UPDATE: Fixes plugin_max to work with MAX9 UPDATE: bin2c compiles on vc8 UPDATE: zviewer compiles on vc8 UPDATE: Regenerated nel_patch_paint files with bin2c trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/light.cpp 284 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/_small.cpp 284 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/tool/bin2c/bin2c.cpp 284 history download (+2 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/_4.cpp 284 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/_11.cpp 284 history download (+1 -1) diffs … 26 more files in changeset. 283 by acemtp on 19 November 2007, 10:15:58 -0600 (4 days ago) CHANGED: new url trunk/nelns/NEWS 283 history download (+1 -1) diffs 282 by mattraykowski on 15 November 2007, 11:40:22 -0600 (8 days ago) made a copy tags/NEL_0_5_0 282 history download (+0) new 281 by mattraykowski on 15 November 2007, 11:39:50 -0600 (8 days ago) ADDED: tags svn dir tags 281 history download (+0) new 280 by spex_sf on 15 November 2007, 01:15:39 -0600 (9 days ago) FIXED: OpenGL crash when using VBO-ARB and NV-VP together. Resolves issue NEL-34 trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_vertex.cpp 280 history download (+18 -53) diffs 279 by mattraykowski on 14 November 2007, 15:56:07 -0600 (9 days ago) ADDED: Build configs for ogg/vorbis for OpenAL driver. UPDATE: Provided music methods with parameter names UPDATE: Added crude getSongTitle logic trunk/nel/automacros/vorbis.m4 279 history download (+122) new trunk/nel/ 279 history download (+3 -0) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.h 279 history download (+26 -10) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/ 279 history download (+2 -2) diffs trunk/nel/automacros/ogg.m4 279 history download (+102) new … 1 more file in changeset. 278 by mattraykowski on 14 November 2007, 14:03:13 -0600 (9 days ago) ADDED: Experimenting with NeL within wxWidgets personal/sfb/libs/entmodel/include/igameeventlistener.h 278 history download (+1 -0) diffs personal/sfb/libs/entmodel/src/gameeventserver.cpp 278 history download (+108 -105) diffs personal/sfb/wxObjectViewer/wxobjectviewerapp.h 278 history download (+81) new personal/sfb/libs/entmodel/include/ 278 history download (+1 -1) diffs personal/sfb/wxObjectViewer/Makefile 278 history download (+85) new … 10 more files in changeset. 277 by mattraykowski on 13 November 2007, 11:07:27 -0600 (10 days ago) ADDED: names to parameters trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.cpp 277 history download (+9 -9) diffs 276 by mattraykowski on 13 November 2007, 08:13:38 -0600 (10 days ago) UPDATE: Fixed font name. trunk/nel/samples/3d/font/main.cpp 276 history download (+1 -1) diffs 275 by spex_sf on 12 November 2007, 13:15:03 -0600 (11 days ago) ADDED: info lines for detected OpenGL extensions; helper for NEL-34; FIXED: Windows only code path now used in Linux as well trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp 275 history download (+6 -5) diffs 274 by spex_sf on 12 November 2007, 13:12:07 -0600 (11 days ago) ADDED: info lines for detected OpenGL extensions; helper for NEL-34 trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.h 274 history download (+51 -3) diffs 273 by acemtp on 11 November 2007, 07:20:17 -0600 (12 days ago) FIXED: driver_fmod compiles with the latest extern_8 on windows. NEL-27 trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/fmod/music_channel_fmod.cpp 273 history download (+2 -1) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/fmod/listener_fmod.cpp 273 history download (+1 -1) diffs trunk/nel/samples/all_8.sln 273 history download (+40 -18) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/fmod/sound_driver_fmod.cpp 273 history download (+2 -2) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/fmod/stdfmod.h 273 history download (+4 -7) diffs … 2 more files in changeset. 272 by acemtp on 11 November 2007, 05:46:28 -0600 (12 days ago) TYPOFIX: in comments ADDED: all driver enum trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/driver_openal_8.vcproj 272 history download (+488) new trunk/nel/samples/all_8.sln 272 history download (+115 -31) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/sound_driver_al.h 272 history download (+2 -2) diffs trunk/nel/samples/georges/georges_sample_8.vcproj 272 history download (+2 -2) diffs trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/sound_driver.h 272 history download (+4 -3) diffs … 4 more files in changeset. 271 by mattraykowski on 08 November 2007, 19:14:45 -0600 (15 days ago) UPDATE: Fixed hashfuncs UPDATE: Removed use of std::hash_map<>::hasher UPDATE: Fixed some min/max in Direct3D and fixed a custom allocator call. UPDATE: Completely removed the use of CSTLBlockList and… branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_texture.cpp 271 history download (+1 -1) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/include/nel/misc/string_mapper.h 271 history download (+4 -0) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_material.cpp 271 history download (+1 -1) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/sound/context_sound.h 271 history download (+4 -0) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/ps_allocator.h 271 history download (+1 -1) diffs … 6 more files in changeset. 270 by mattraykowski on 08 November 2007, 12:04:23 -0600 (15 days ago) UPDATE: Fixing some more namespace issues. branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/mesh_mrm.cpp 270 history download (+3 -3) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/include/nel/misc/mem_stream.h 270 history download (+1 -1) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/tile_bank.cpp 270 history download (+6 -6) diffs branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/tile_far_bank.cpp 270 history download (+2 -2) diffs 269 by mattraykowski on 08 November 2007, 11:43:52 -0600 (15 days ago) UPDATE: Fixed namespace issue. branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/cluster.cpp 269 history download (+1 -1) diffs 268 by mattraykowski on 08 November 2007, 11:42:52 -0600 (15 days ago) UPDATE: Cross-commit from trunk of a fix for GL headers. branches/branch_mtr_nostlport/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_texture.cpp 268 history download (+8 -1) diffs

From IRC

spex_sf * r298 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: glXChooseVisual() needs alpha width to pick a visual with alpha for correct cloud rendering. Fixes NEL-40, but needs more tests. Stealth change in regard to FBO-rendering (bloom textures), may not work. spex_sf * r299 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/client.cpp FIXED: screenies are not upsidedown anymore mattraykowski * r300 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_converter/ (4 files) BUGFIX: null references to param blocks caused crashes in newer (saner) versions of 3DSMAX spex_sf * r301 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/ (commands.cpp interface.cpp radar.cpp) FIXED: display issues with certain GUI elements (radar, chat box, interface/dialog box) mattraykowski * r307 /trunk/nel/samples/3d/cegui/main.cpp UPDATE: Fixes CEGUI sample to be compliant with CEGUI 0.5 changes. mattraykowski * r308 /personal/sfb/werewolf/ (1430 files in 131 dirs) ADDED: Werewolf - old host is dead. Sharing for the world. spex_sf * r310 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: get glXChooseVisual() running on both 16 and 24bpp screens. Only tested against nVidia's binaryblob driver so far. mattraykowski * r312 /trunk/nel/ (CMakeLists.txt src/CMakeLists.txt src/misc/CMakeLists.txt) ADDED: Beginning of a CMake environment - do not use! mattraykowski * r313 /trunk/nel/ UPDATE: Made the CEGUI library check optional mattraykowski * r315 /trunk/nel/ (5 files in 5 dirs) UPDATE: Fixed nelmisc decoration and compilation, created build for command sample. mattraykowski * r316 /trunk/nel/samples/misc/ (6 files in 6 dirs) ADDED: All compilation misc samples to CMake mattraykowski * r317 /trunk/nel/ (8 files in 8 dirs) UPDATE: Added georges (plus sample,) 3d and driver_opengl to CMake build mattraykowski * r318 /trunk/nel/ (15 files in 15 dirs) UPDATE: Fixed library versioning and added more libs and samples to CMake mattraykowski * r319 /trunk/nel/src/sound/ (ambiant_source.cpp env_effect.cpp env_sound_user.cpp) BUGFIX: #if 0'd deprecated code. Kaetemi * r322 /trunk/nel/src/net/service.cpp CHANGED: Service crash report e-mail defaults can be configured in the service's configuration file. Kaetemi * r323 /trunk/nel/ (include/nel/net/login_client.h src/net/login_client.cpp) ADDED: Functions that don't freeze the client's user interface when the login service takes it's time with sending a reply. Kaetemi * r324 /trunk/nelns/ (3 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: Player wasn't set back to Offline if he tried to connect while there is no front-end service available. FIXED: WS tried to read username as string instead of ucstring in message from LS. FIXED: Some service complained about the defaults for Version and DynPatchURL in the nel sql. Kaetemi * r325 /trunk/snowballs2/ (18 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed) CHANGED: Basic game loading and unloading modified to allow implementing a login screen that does not require the full game to be loaded, and that can be switched back to without having to unload the rest of the game completely. CHANGED: The game now tells you what's wrong when you can't connect to the server, and then jumps back to Offline mode. ADDED: Loading screen that waits for data from the network (player position, etc) (and can show the spinning nel logo instead of the 2d one). CHANGED: In Online mode the server decides where the player's start position is. Kaetemi * r326 /trunk/snowballs2/client/data/music/ (5 files) ADDED: Loading, login screen and background music. Thanks, XtarsiA! :p Kaetemi * r327 /trunk/snowballs2/client/ (8 files in 3 dirs) ADDED: SoundEnabled variable to disable sound in the snowballs config file. Kaetemi * r328 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/client.cpp ADDED: F10 does a fast switch between Online and Offline mode. Kaetemi * r329 /trunk/snowballs2/snowballs2_8.sln FIXED: vs8 snowballs solution updated with project dependencies for sound. acemtp * r333 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp Added: able to enumerate video mode in X11 acemtp * r336 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/common.h FIXED: missing std:: before isnan and isinf acemtp * r337 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/types_nl.h ADDED: NL_OS_MAC define when compiling on mac os acemtp * r338 /trunk/nel/src/misc/mutex.cpp ADDED: special case for mac acemtp * r339 /trunk/nel/src/misc/ (debug.cpp report.cpp) REMOVED: malloc.h include that is already include by stdlib and is not available on mac acemtp * r340 /trunk/nel/src/misc/time_nl.cpp FIXED: bad use of the POSIX* macro acemtp * r341 /trunk/nel/src/misc/common.cpp FIXED: force cast into a uint when returning pthread_self acemtp * r342 /trunk/nel/src/3d/material.cpp CHANGED: don't use std::swap to set new auto_ptr but use = (or it doesnt compile on mac) acemtp * r343 /trunk/nel/src/3d/patchdlm_context.cpp FIXED: special case for mac or gc generates an internal compiler error acemtp * r344 /trunk/nel/src/3d/ps_allocator.h CHANGED: Use default allocator instead of std::allocator for CPSMultiMap::M acemtp * r345 /trunk/nel/src/3d/ps_mesh.cpp CHANGED: don't use std::swap to copy an auto_ptr acemtp * r346 /trunk/nel/acinclude.m4 REMOVED: __STL_DEBUG and force no optim in full debug acemtp * r347 /trunk/nel/ ADDED: detection of libtoolize on mac acemtp * r348 /trunk/snowballs2/ ADDED: detection of libtoolize on mac Kaetemi * r349 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/ (client.cpp entities.cpp entities.h) FIXED: duplicate keyboard after doing sb_unload (releaseCommands wasn't called) FIXED: releaseEntities function was empty spex_sf * r350 /trunk/nel/CMakeLists.txt FIXED: GTK-Check; part of NEL-28 spex_sf * r358 /trunk/nel/src/misc/time_nl.cpp FIXED: proper check of _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK spex_sf * r359 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/animation.cpp FIXED: overflow error in animation timing calculation spex_sf * r360 /trunk/nel/ (CMakeLists.txt cmake/ cmake/FindGTK2.cmake) ADDED: CMake support for GTK2 (Unix systems only); NEL-28 spex_sf * r361 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/ (driver_opengl.cpp driver_opengl_texture.cpp) CHANGED: offscreen rendering done in FBOs if available; NEL-44 Kaetemi * r362 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/ (4 files) CHANGED: Music volume can be changed trough the config file while the game is already running. spex_sf * r363 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/ (driver_opengl.h driver_opengl_extension_def.h) CHANGED/FIXEd: FBO support for offscreen rendering; NEL-44; thanks to Kaetemi for reminding me to commit the .h files, too ... spex_sf * r364 /trunk/nel/src/3d/cloud.cpp FIXED: cloud offscreen rendering to work properly with FBOs; NEL-40, NEL-44 Kaetemi * r365 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/client.cpp ADDED: Changing the 3d driver setting in the config file automatically restarts the game with the new setting. spex_sf * r371 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/common.h FIXED: small problem with strings mattraykowski * r372 /trunk/nel/ (automacros/FindGTK2.cmake cmake/) UPDATE: Moved cmake macros - do not commit your cmake directory. spex_sf * r373 /trunk/nel/src/misc/system_info.cpp FIXED: string/explode compilation issues with gcc4.2 spex_sf * r374 /trunk/nel/ (3 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: more string/explode compilation issues with gcc4.2 spex_sf * r375 /trunk/nelns/ (2 files in 2 dirs) FIXED: more string/expl ode compilation issues with gcc4.2; thanks Sumsum! acemtp * r378 /trunk/nel/ (include/nel/misc/i18n.h src/misc/i18n.cpp) UPDATED: Clean the out of date comments and removed the limited language selection Kaetemi * r379 /trunk/snowballs2/README UPDATE: some updates to the snowballs readme Kaetemi * r380 /trunk/snowballs2/INSTALL UPDATE: and some changes to the snowballs install information file acemtp * r382 /trunk/nel/ (3 files in 2 dirs) FIXED: dissable => disable FIXED: don't crash, even if debug class is not init Kaetemi * r383 /trunk/snowballs2/config/ REMOVED: old config files removed Kaetemi * r386 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/dsound/sound_driver_dsound.cpp FIXED: compiler error in dsound driver when using precompiled header Kaetemi * r387 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/ (7 files in 4 dirs) ADDED: static linking for sound drivers Kaetemi * r388 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/dsound/sound_driver_dsound.cpp FIXED: typo Kaetemi * r389 /trunk/nel/src/ (2 files in 2 dirs) FIXED: some more compile and link errors for static drivers Kaetemi * r390 /trunk/nelns/login_system/ (3 files in 2 dirs) FIXED: added call to createDebug in nel_launcher to get it running FIXED: some compile issues (explode...) in nel_launcher_ext2 Kaetemi * r391 /trunk/nelns/login_system/ (3 files in 2 dirs) CHANGED: nel_launcher_ext now uses the nel log system FIXED: nel_launcher_ext string resource loading didn't work Kaetemi * r392 /trunk/nelns/login_system/nel_launcher_windows_ext/ (Configuration.cpp nel_launcher.cpp nel_launcher.h) FIXED: nel_launcher_ext logging Kaetemi * r393 /trunk/nelns/login_system/nel_launcher_windows_ext2/connection.cpp ADDED: can now use direct login client in nel_launcher_ext2 (useful for testing login service) Kaetemi * r394 /trunk/nelns/login_service/login_service.cpp ADDED: command to show shard database in login service Kaetemi * r395 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/ (direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp opengl/driver_opengl.cpp) FIXED: dll exports were in static 3d drivers Kaetemi * r396 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/client.cpp CHANGED: snowballs now shows a more useful message when driver loading fails Kaetemi * r397 /trunk/nel/src/misc/app_context.cpp ADDED: easy trick that shares nel app context with dynamic libraries using nlmisc (drivers etc) Kaetemi * r398 /trunk/nel/tools/nel_unit_test/ (5 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: unit test compile errors in vs90 Kaetemi * r399 /trunk/nel/src/misc/app_context.cpp REMOVED: r397 Kaetemi * r400 /trunk/nel/src/ (5 files in 5 dirs) FIXED: drivers now have the pure nel library interface Kaetemi * r401 /trunk/nel/tools/logic/ (8 files in 2 dirs) NEL-47: Logic Editor DLL doesn't compile (SumsumLogicEditorDll.patch by Sumsum) FIXED: compile error in logic editor exe Kaetemi * r402 /trunk/nel/ (17 files in 8 dirs) FIXED: unit test crashed, libraries were missing nel library entry point, ConvertThreadToFiber was called in two different unit test libraries ADDED: error message when ConvertThreadToFiber fails, error is returned in win2003 or higher when it's called twice, xp and lower will apparently give random behaviour when this happens FIXED: net service lib test crashed in release mode, IService tried to add displayer to DebugLog which was not initialized NOTE: unit tests currently do not support static linking to the common runtime libraries ADDED: vs90 build environment for unit tests Kaetemi * r403 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (4 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: static build mode for object viewer CHANGED: object viewer no longer depends on knowing it's own dll name Kaetemi * r404 /trunk/nel/tools/misc/extract_filename/extract_filename.cpp NEL-48: extract_filename tool doesn't compile (SumsumExtractFilename.patch by Sumsum) mattraykowski * r405 /trunk/nel/src/3d/ (mesh_mrm_skin_template.cpp mesh_mrm_skinned_template.cpp) BUGFIX: CMake tries to compile these, existing builds are disabled. Used #if 0 to disable compilation of these for all platforms. mattraykowski * r406 /trunk/nel/src/misc/win_tray.cpp REMOVED: At no point in CVS history did this contain anything. mattraykowski * r407 /trunk/nel/src/misc/config_file/ (4 files) UPDATE: Added PCH to files for consistency. NOTE: Added include to cf_lexical.cpp with the other manual addition (see line 34) mattraykowski * r408 /trunk/nel/src/misc/config_file/ (4 files) UPDATE: Fixed PCH include for non-CMake envs. Kaetemi * r409 /trunk/snowballs2/server/empty/ (6 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: template snowballs service containing useful code samples Kaetemi * r411 /trunk/snowballs2/ (15 files in 6 dirs) ADDED: simple collision test service ADDED: command for client to disable collision tests on self entity FIXED: some offline entities were made using a rand() eid, resulting in random crashing Kaetemi * r412 /trunk/snowballs2/server/ (3 files in 3 dirs) ADDED: config files for new snowballs services Kaetemi * r415 /trunk/snowballs2/ (40 files in 8 dirs) ADDED: some personal notes to the snowballs code ADDED: personal snowballs development environment files, useful to keep other environments up to date Kaetemi * r416 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/pacs.cpp Kaetemi * r418 /trunk/snowballs2/ (10 files in 2 dirs) IN PROGRESS: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes mattraykowski * r419 /trunk/nel/src/misc/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Added config_file to includes for building on Windows. mattraykowski * r420 /trunk/nel/ (3 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: More CMake cleanups. Added CEGUI checks, fixed option override. Kaetemi * r421 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ BRANCHED: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes Kaetemi * r422 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (15 files in 3 dirs) IN PROGRESS: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes NOTE: This version will not run. Happy New Year! Kaetemi * r423 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (3 files in 2 dirs) IN PROGRESS: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes Kaetemi * r424 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (41 files in 26 dirs) ADDED: Time component ADDED: Some empty component files Kaetemi * r425 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/time_component.cpp SNB-34: small change Kaetemi * r426 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (86 files in 27 dirs) IN PROGRESS: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes ADDED: 3D driver component ADDED: some svn ignore properties mattraykowski * r431 /trunk/nel/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: A little cleanup. Added check for tests. mattraykowski * r432 /trunk/nel/kdevelop/ REMOVED: If you need KDevelop, use CMake: cmake -G "KDevelop3" mattraykowski * r433 /trunk/nel/src/cegui/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Removed extra MESSAGE call used for debugging. mattraykowski * r434 /trunk/nel/samples/3d/cluster_viewer/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Changed target name to appropriately reflect that this is a sample. mattraykowski * r435 /trunk/nel/ (CMakeLists.txt doc/ ADDED: Documentation building. Add -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION:BOOL=ON to enable then 'make DoxygenDoc' acemtp * r436 /trunk/nel/ (4 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Wonderful H_AUTO2 macro (same as H_AUTO but without need to give a label) mattraykowski * r437 /trunk/snowballs2/ UPDATE: Added check for rt - time-related. acemtp * r438 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h FIXED: H_AUTO2 should now compile on linux mattraykowski * r439 /personal/sfb/werewolf/src/wwcommon/ (59 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Restructuring wwcommon acemtp * r440 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp ADDED: the lib inclusion in NL_STATIC using a pragma comment. acemtp * r441 /trunk/nel/src/3d/ REMOVED: win_tray that is not available anymore acemtp * r442 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp CHANGED: use dinput8.lib acemtp * r443 /trunk/nel/src/misc/ REMOVED: win_tray that is not available anymore Kaetemi * r444 /trunk/snowballs2/client/ (4 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: some fixes for linux build from int-e Kaetemi * r445 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/sub_configuration.h UPDATE: some fixes from int-e Kaetemi * r446 /trunk/snowballs2/client/ (client_8.vcproj snowballs_client_vs90.vcproj) UPDATE: Removed some files from the snowballs client vs90 project that don't exist yet. UPDATE: Synchronised vs80 snowballs client project file with vs90 project file. Kaetemi * r448 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (26 files in 3 dirs) IN PROGRESS: SNB-34: Convert snowballs code into classes CHANGED: IConfigurableComponent split off from IComponent UPDATE: Component manager kind of works ADDED: Hello world component acemtp * r450 /trunk/nel/src/misc/config_file/config_file.cpp COMMENTED: some not useful debug lines that cannot be filtered acemtp * r451 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/ (driver_direct3d.cpp driver_direct3d.h) DISABLED: the nv perf inclusion acemtp * r452 /trunk/nel/src/misc/variable.cpp COMMENTED: some not useful debug lines that cannot be filtered acemtp * r453 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp ADDED: pragma include opengl libs if you use NL_STATIC (like on static dx) acemtp * r454 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.cpp CHANGED: split the long opengl extension lines to be able to see them all in the log acemtp * r455 /trunk/nel/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) REMOVED: __STL_DEBUG macro in debug acemtp * r456 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_static_8.vcproj ADDED: opengl driver in static mode (.lib) on Windows mattraykowski * r463 /trunk/nel/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Removed extra MESSAGE call mattraykowski * r464 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (17 files in 17 dirs) ADDED: More tools to CMake - now builds more tools than autotools! Kaetemi * r465 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/scripts/ (create_client_class.bat init_cmd.bat) ADDED: script to create a .cpp and .h file for a new class Kaetemi * r466 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (15 files in 3 dirs) CHANGED: Split off CFunctionCaller from CComponentManager UPDATE: CFunctionCaller provides compatibility with global functions FIXED: Application exits correctly when directly closing the window UPDATE: Old code now running within the component manager (temp) Kaetemi * r470 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (6 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Script to create cpp and h files for a new component mattraykowski * r473 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (6 files in 6 dirs) UPDATE: Added some new tools. Kaetemi * r474 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (9 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Scene component mattraykowski * r475 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/zviewer/ UPDATE: Moved zviewer into build tree. mattraykowski * r476 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/zviewer/zviewer.cpp UPDATE: gcc4 fixes: fixed main return value and moved temporary out of method call. mattraykowski * r477 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (CMakeLists.txt zviewer/CMakeLists.txt) UPDATE: Added zviewer to CMake build. Kaetemi * r478 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (10 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Moved all the sky, snow, and light related things into the weather component mattraykowski * r479 /trunk/nel/tools/ (6 files in 6 dirs) UPDATE: Added misc. tools. acemtp * r480 /trunk/nel/src/3d/cloud_scape.cpp CHANGED: do not use PerformanceCounter acemtp * r481 /trunk/nel/src/ (3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp net/buf_client.cpp) FIXED: blank cleanup spex_sf * r482 /trunk/nel/ (15 files in 8 dirs) FIXED: various compiler warnings, error in pacs sample, nel-config to work properly with CMake booleans mattraykowski * r483 /trunk/nel/tools/misc/disp_sheet_id/main.cpp UPDATE: Fix application context issue in tool. mattraykowski * r484 /trunk/nel/src/ (ligo/CMakeLists.txt pacs/CMakeLists.txt) UPDATE: Fixed project dependencies. mattraykowski * r485 /trunk/nel/tools/misc/disp_sheet_id/main.cpp UPDATE: Fixed typo and added types_nl include. mattraykowski * r486 /trunk/nel/tools/ (5 files in 5 dirs) UPDATE: Added pacs tools to CMake build environment. Kaetemi * r487 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (12 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Lens flare component Kaetemi * r488 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (snowballs_client.cfg src/lens_flare.cpp src/lens_flare.h) UPDATE: Implemented workaround for rendering the lens flare under Direct3D. FIXED: The white 'glow' that fills your screen when looking into the lens flare wasn't being rendered (same problem as user interface backgrounds had). acemtp * r493 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/unix_event_emitter.cpp FIXED: bad char => ucchar conversion on linux because char are signed on linux and unsigned on windows acemtp * r494 /trunk/nel/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) CHANGED: clean up and indentation ADDED: unix_event_emitter in the vs project acemtp * r495 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: restoring desktop resolution after a fullscreen mode works FIXED: comments, indentation, infos acemtp * r496 /trunk/nel/src/3d/font_generator.h CHANGED: as recommended, include freetype using the macro acemtp * r497 /trunk/nel/ (4 files in 3 dirs) REMOVED: not useful info ADDED: some tag before some info to be able to filter them mattraykowski * r498 /trunk/nel/samples/3d/cegui/ (22 files in 5 dirs) UPDATE: Fixes CEGUI sample. Now runs fine. mattraykowski * r499 /trunk/nel/samples/3d/cegui/datafiles/looknfeel/ (5 files) UPDATE: forgot look and feel files mattraykowski * r500 /trunk/nel/ (7 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: Fixed FindCEGUI package and fixed renderer with proper include path (incompatibility with CEGUI includes.) mattraykowski * r501 /trunk/nel/samples/3d/cegui/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Added cegui sample to CMake build. spex_sf * r502 /trunk/nel/ (CMakeLists.txt FIXED: bugs in nel-config; ADDED: better support of nel-config with respective changes in CMake build system; relates to NEL-28 spex_sf * r503 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: broken driver_opengl.cpp? Kaetemi * r504 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (12 files in 8 dirs) FIXED: 3dsmax plugins no longer depend on their filename being correct Kaetemi * r505 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/keys.cfg ADDED: missing key 'GetState' in patch painter keys.cfg acemtp * r507 /trunk/nel/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: new new[] is released with delete[] ADDED: missing init in ctor CLEANUP acemtp * r508 /trunk/nel/ (19 files in 7 dirs) CHANGED: NbStages are uint ADDED: Missing inits in ctor FIXED: Some variables are used but not initialized CLEANUP acemtp * r509 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_vertex.cpp REMOVED: a printf Kaetemi * r510 /trunk/nel/ (26 files in 18 dirs) FIXED: some texts in the tile editor FIXED: nel 3dsmax patch lib now shows a message when trying to export to a zone without having the correct tilebank loaded ADDED: new clean vs90 build environment for the 3dsmax plugins, because the converted ones simply don't work correctly Kaetemi * r511 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/plugin_max_vs90.sln FIXED: some project dependencies for the vs90 max plugin solution file weren't set spex_sf * r512 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_export/nel_export_view.cpp FIXED: path to object viewer DLLs for debug/debug fast modi (by Sumsum); NEL-52 Kaetemi * r513 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/ (10 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: some instability issues with the max plug-ins FIXED: incorrect texts in resource file Kaetemi * r514 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (41 files in 4 dirs) UPDATE: added svn:keywords Id and svn:eol-style native to properties of all cpp and h files in snowballs dir Kaetemi * r516 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/ (2 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: added the ligoscape utility max plugin project for vs90 Kaetemi * r517 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_patch_lib/nel_patch_mesh.cpp FIXED: compile errors in the CHECK_VALIDITY block of nel patch mesh mattraykowski * r518 /trunk/nel/lib/ (. placeholder.txt) ADDED: placeholder for lib directory - reduces confusion in setting up MSVC envs. acemtp * r519 /trunk/nel/src/misc/ (common.cpp time_nl.cpp) REMOVED: a warning about monotonic timer ADDED: openURL() for mac acemtp * r520 /trunk/nel/ ( src/misc/time_nl.cpp) REMOVED: not useful warning in time ADDED: be able to customize aclocal mattraykowski * r521 /trunk/nel/src/misc/config_file/ (4 files) UPDATE: Backed out PCH for config file system. mattraykowski * r522 /trunk/nel/src/misc/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Fixed precompiled header flags for config files. mattraykowski * r523 /trunk/nel/src/ligo/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: nlligo compiles statically on Windows. mattraykowski * r524 /trunk/nel/src/sound/ (4 files) REMOVED: Deprecated classes. mattraykowski * r525 /trunk/nel/ (3 files in 2 dirs) REMOVED: More deprecated classes. mattraykowski * r526 /trunk/nel/src/net/net_manager.cpp UPDATE: Moved deprecation check. Should consider deleting this after samples are appropriately updated. Kaetemi * r527 /trunk/nel/src/ (sound_8.vcproj sound_vs90.vcproj) UPDATE: Updated vs80 and vs90 projects for r524 and r525. mattraykowski * r528 /trunk/nel/src/cegui/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: Add DLL exports definition. mattraykowski * r529 /trunk/nel/src/pacs/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: NLPACS builds correctly in Windows. mattraykowski * r530 /trunk/nel/tools/ (29 files in 29 dirs) UPDATE: Added nodefaultlib call to tools for Windows. mattraykowski * r531 /trunk/nel/tools/misc/words_dic/words_dic.cpp UPDATE: Added application context to wordsdic tool. mattraykowski * r532 /trunk/nel/CMakeModules/FindJpeg.cmake UPDATE: Added new suffix for Windows checks. acemtp * r541 /trunk/nel/ (9 files in 4 dirs) ADDED: setWindowTitle() to... set the window title Kaetemi * r542 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/driver_component.cpp UPDATE: make use of new setWindowTitle... sort of acemtp * r543 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: make it works on X11 mattraykowski * r548 /trunk/nelns/ (5 files in 5 dirs) UPDATE: Now installs configuration files correctly. mattraykowski * r549 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/app_context.h UPDATE: Removed copy constructor generation from macro. Safe singleton users will also have to specify their copy ctors now. acemtp * r555 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp FIXED: due to a strange bug in the ATI driver on Linux, we disable EMBM support on this cards mattraykowski * r556 /trunk/snowballs2/ (CMakeLists.txt client/CMakeLists.txt) UPDATE: CMake installs Snowballs client config and data correctly. mattraykowski * r557 /trunk/snowballs2/kdevelop/ REMOVED: KDevelop files - please use CMake to generate these. mattraykowski * r558 /trunk/nelns/kdevelop/ REMOVED: KDevelop files. Please use CMake to generate these. mattraykowski * r559 /trunk/snowballs2/server/ (9 files in 9 dirs) ADDED: CMake build files for Snowballs Services. mattraykowski * r560 /trunk/nel/ (include/nel/misc/cmd_args.h src/misc/cmd_args.cpp) ADDED: Generic command line parsing facility per NEL-14 mattraykowski * r561 /trunk/projectshell/CMakeModules/ (5 files) ADDED: More NeL library check packages for CMake. mattraykowski * r562 /trunk/snowballs2/ (4 files in 3 dirs) ADDED: More NeL library checks and link parameters (fixes relink errors.) acemtp * r563 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/ (8 files in 2 dirs) CHANGED: big refactoring in the extension loading (use macro to DRY) CHANGED: don't inactivate the extension if just a GetProcAddress returns 0 (just warn) CHANGED: nel wgl function are renamed to nwgl to be homogeneous with gl=>ngl ADDED: "3D:" headers to be able to filter log acemtp * r564 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.cpp FIXED: compile on linux :) acemtp * r565 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.cpp FIXED: works on linux acemtp * r566 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/ (8 files) ADDED: use native function for ARB opengl extension (keep dynamic system for NV, ATI and EXT) mattraykowski * r567 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/app_context.h UPDATE: Removed copy ctor from NLMISC_SAFE_SINGLETON_DECL_PTR acemtp * r568 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/ (8 files) CHANGED: don't use native function for opengl extension (not working on windows) acemtp * r569 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.cpp ADDED: special GetProcAddressARB() for mac to access to opengl extension functinos acemtp * r570 /trunk/nel/src/3d/ (driver/opengl/driver_opengl.cpp water_model.cpp) FIXED: minor thing acemtp * r571 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/ (driver_opengl.cpp driver_opengl_extension.cpp) FIXED: Water works on Mac with a GeForce 8800M GT spex_sf * r573 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_extension.cpp FIXED: compilation error of nglGetProcAddress definition using gcc acemtp * r575 /trunk/nelns/admin/public_html/ (display_view.php index.php sql_connection.php) ADDED: display when a sql error happen acemtp * r576 /trunk/nelns/ (admin/admin.vcproj services_8.sln) ADDED: admin project mattraykowski * r585 /trunk/nelns/login_service/mysql_helper.cpp UPDATE: Applied int-e's MySQL Reconnection Patch. mattraykowski * r586 /trunk/snowballs2/server/frontend/src/main.cpp UPDATE: SNB frontend now maintains two player states. acemtp * r591 /trunk/tool/ (bin2c/bin2c.cpp george2csv/george2csv.cpp) CHANGED: minor things (Thanks to summy) acemtp * r592 /trunk/nelns/ (5 files in 4 dirs) CHANGED: minor things (Thanks to summy) acemtp * r593 /trunk/nel/ (121 files in 33 dirs) FIXED: new 3d header include path (Thanks to summy) FIXED: typo in comments (Thanks to summy) acemtp * r595 /trunk/nel/src/3d/texture_multi_file.cpp FIXED: bad header Kaetemi * r596 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (48 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: getting back to work on snowballs (various changes for SNB-34) Kaetemi * r597 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (44 files in 20 dirs) REMOVED: some stuff that is no longer up to date in the snowballs classes branch, can be put back later if needed again ADDED: short description of services Kaetemi * r598 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (snowballs_client.cpp snowballs_client.h) ADDED: List of function priorities. UPDATE: Configuration updates called trough function caller. Kaetemi * r599 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (88 files in 3 dirs) CHANGED: Prefixed all files to be deleted or redone with an underscore. ADDED: Added some stuff for debugging. ADDED: Implemented the shiny new loading screen. Kaetemi * r600 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (loading_screen.cpp loading_screen.h) UPDATE: Loading screen doesn't completely freeze the window now. Kaetemi * r601 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (21 files) UPDATE: Added some missing files. Kaetemi * r603 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (10 files in 4 dirs) ADDED: Temporary login screen based on mankar's code from SNB-24. Kaetemi * r604 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp FIXED: A typo in the d3d driver. Kaetemi * r605 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp FIXED: CDriverD3D::init now returns false when RegisterClassW fails Kaetemi * r606 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d.cpp UPDATE: RegisterClassW failure in d3d driver doesn't return false if class already exists. Kaetemi * r607 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (50 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Some bits of code for sound added. UPDATE: Some more things can be changed at runtime trough the config file. UPDATE: Implemented the exit button in the temporary login screen. REMOVED: Deleted some unused files. Kaetemi * r608 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (17 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: Login screen can now log in. Kaetemi * r609 /trunk/ (114 files in 92 dirs) FIXED: Header paths in 3d vs90 project file. ADDED: The rest of the vs90 project files, since many people use this version. UPDATE: Applied some small changes to max plugin from a while ago. Kaetemi * r610 /trunk/nel/src/3d_vs90.vcproj FIXED: Typo. Kaetemi * r611 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (45 files in 14 dirs) MERGED: Changes from snowballs trunk (cmake and the frontend fix) into snowballs classes branch. Kaetemi * r612 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (15 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Converted the existing animation code into a class. Kaetemi * r613 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (11 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Converted the existing collisions code into a class. Kaetemi * r614 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (14 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Converted landscape code into class. Kaetemi * r615 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (10 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Time class. Kaetemi * r616 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (6 files in 2 dirs) CHANGED: log.log only created in debug modes, release modes only have snowballs_client.log Kaetemi * r617 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (12 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: Cleaned up some stuff. Kaetemi * r618 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (9 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Added some things in the ingame loading function. Kaetemi * r619 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (15 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: Some changes to the loading screen. Kaetemi * r620 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/ (4 files in 3 dirs) UPDATE: Snow enabled in login screen, thanks Mankar! CHANGED: Some things modified in the cmake configuration. Kaetemi * r621 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (5 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Login screen doesn't freeze anymore when trying to connect to an offline login server. Kaetemi * r622 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (snowballs_client.cfg src/ls_client.cpp src/sound.cpp) UPDATE: Some small fixes. Kaetemi * r623 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (12 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Offline mode implemented. NOTE: User input not implemented yet. CHANGED: Entity name is now a ucstring. Kaetemi * r624 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (12 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Converted the existing instance groups code to a class. Kaetemi * r625 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (9 files) UPDATE: All time is now in seconds. Kaetemi * r626 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (5 files) UPDATE: Some small changes. Kaetemi * r627 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (5 files) UPDATE: Animations work now. Kaetemi * r628 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (16 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: Password is now correctly hashed. UPDATE: Function caller extended to allow safe enable/disable of registered functions. UPDATE: Some small changes to the d3d version of the lens flare. Kaetemi * r629 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (6 files) UPDATE: Animation time is skipped while loading, this way you will see animations and effects started during loading completely. Kaetemi * r630 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (4 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Amount of bots in offline mode can be set in the config now. UPDATE: Bots now have randomly generated names. Kaetemi * r631 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (9 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Offline bots can throw snowballs again. Kaetemi * r632 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (22 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Added some stuff related to user input. Kaetemi * r633 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (4 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: Some stuff related to keyboard input. Kaetemi * r634 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (11 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Some more things for key configuration. Kaetemi * r635 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (10 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Some more things for keyboard input configuration. Kaetemi * r636 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (16 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Keyboard configuration implemented. Kaetemi * r637 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/ (4 files in 2 dirs) UPDATE: Control, shift and alt key combos can be configured. Kaetemi * r638 /branches/branch_snowballs_classes/client/src/ (animation_old.cpp keyboard.cpp snowballs_client.cpp time.cpp) REMOVED: Removed some debug stuff. acemtp * r641 /trunk/nel/ (33 files in 7 dirs) ADDED: pragma to remove warning when compiling in C++/CLI REMOVED: out of date code in types_nl.h CHANGED: _asm int 3 into __debug_break(); CHANGED: some config in vcproj for static project acemtp * r642 /trunk/nel/src/ (7 files in 3 dirs) ADDED: if the fullscreen mode doesn't exists, find the nearest on direct3d REMOVED: "whole optimization" in static mode, too slow to link... acemtp * r644 /trunk/nel/ (8 files in 3 dirs) Fixed: make mutex compile works Mac/ppc Fixed: make performance time works on Mac/ppc Added: get the list of full screen resolution on Mac spex_sf * r649 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/common.h FIXED: added missing typename type prefixes Kaetemi * r650 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/fmod/sound_driver_fmod.cpp FIXED: compile error with vs90 caused by r647 kervala * r654 /trunk/nel/ (include/nel/misc/bitmap.h src/misc/bitmap_png.cpp) ADDED: writePNG() method for NLMISC::CBitmap (only RGBA bitmap can be saved for the moment, if the bitmap uses another format, it returns false) kervala * r655 /trunk/nel/src/misc/bitmap_png.cpp ADDED: 24bits bitmaps can now be saved with CBitmap::writePNG spex_sf * r657 /trunk/nel/ (9 files in 3 dirs) ADDED: gcc 4.3.0 support (thanks to pocek); generalized std::tr1 usage for gcc 4.3.0 and VC9 with feature pack (needs testing still) spex_sf * r658 /tags/NEL_0_6_1/ TAGGED: version 0.6.1 spex_sf * r659 /trunk/nel/CMakeLists.txt CHANGED: packaging information for source packages of OpenNeL, part of NEL-28 issue spex_sf * r660 /trunk/snowballs2/ (CMakeLists.txt client/src/client.cpp) CHANGED: added packaging information to create source packages with CMake/CPack, NEL-28; FIXED: some compiler warnings about conversions from char* to std::string spex_sf * r665 /personal/spex/fullscreentest/ CHANGED: added extension wrapper files spex_sf * r666 /trunk/snowballs2/CMakeLists.txt CHANGED: config and log file locations are user configurable now to easen up packaging for distributions spex_sf * r669 /personal/spex/fullscreentest/src/ (6 files) CHANGED: setMode() returns bool now for (not) successful mode change spex_sf * r670 /personal/spex/fullscreentest/ (10 files in 2 dirs) ADDED: premature CVariant+CProperties kaetemi * r676 /trunk/nelns/login_service/mysql_helper.cpp FIXED: include the mysql headers from the same path spex_sf * r678 /trunk/nel/ (8 files in 4 dirs) ADDED: forceNativeFragmentPrograms() to 3D drivers to allow disabling that check for ATI users (i.e. water runs fine without native fragment programs on certain cards); CHANGED: increased 3D driver interface numbers mattraykowski * r681 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/CMakeLists.txt UPDATE: static libraries install correctly. mattraykowski * r682 /trunk/nel/ (5 files in 5 dirs) ADDED: The NLLOGIC module to build. mattraykowski * r683 /trunk/nel/tools/ (6 files in 4 dirs) ADDED: Logic Editor tool REMOVED: Unnecessary files from Logic Editor Kaetemi * r687 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/openal/stdopenal.h FIXED: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tr1/unordered_map'" when compiling sound/driver_openal under vs90 with tr1 installed Kaetemi * r688 /trunk/snowballs2/client/src/ (12 files) FIXED: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tr1/unordered_map'" when compiling snowballs2/client under vs90 with tr1 installed Kaetemi * r689 /trunk/nelns/login_service/mysql_helper.cpp FIXED: cbDatabaseVar() in nelns/login_service was using mysql_options() for MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT on 'DatabaseConnection' which is always equal to NULL at that point in the code, while it should've been using 'db' (like in the line of code a bit lower). Kaetemi * r690 /trunk/nelns/login_system/ (3 files in 3 dirs) FIXED: "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tr1/unordered_map': No such file or directory" when compiling nelns/nel_launcher under vs90 with tr1 installed Kaetemi * r691 /trunk/nel/include/nel/misc/types_nl.h (log message trimmed) FIXED: types_nl.h wasn't aware of _HAS_TR1 under vs90 in most projects, resulting in tr1 not being used if installed, fixed this. In a smaller amount of projects (see earlier workarounds), types_nl.h knew about _HAS_TR1 as there were stl headers included before including types_nl.h, which resulted in an error because types_nl.h wrongly assumed that the tr1 headers are always under a tr1/ subdirectory, which is not the case with the vs compiler, fixed this too with an acemtp * r692 /trunk/tool/bin2c/bin2c_8.vcproj ADDED: project for bin2c for vc8 Kaetemi * r693 /trunk/nel/samples/ (46 files in 23 dirs) FIXED: Various small compile errors for some nel samples. ADDED: Missing vs90 project files for some more nel samples. acemtp * r694 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/nel_3dsmax_shared/nel_3dsmax_shared_8.vcproj REMOVED: unused files acemtp * r695 /trunk/nel/tools/3d/plugin_max/install_plugin_max.txt ADDED: how to install max plugin Kaetemi * r696 /trunk/nel/ (29 files in 22 dirs) FIXED: bloom_effect.h did not include all headers it requires. FIXED: NL_LOC_WRN was not in the correct format to be read by vs90 as a warning. UPDATE: Some fixes and optimizations for the vs90 project files. Kaetemi * r697 /trunk/nel/ (83 files in 30 dirs) UPDATE: Project files for vs90 use vsprops. Kaetemi * r698 /trunk/nel/src/ (11 files in 2 dirs) FIXED: Inconsistent usage of _r suffix in vs90 projects. Kaetemi * r699 /trunk/nel/src/ (nel_vs90.vsprops nel_vs90_r_dev.vsprops) FIXED: Inconsistent usage of _r suffix in vs90 projects. kervala * r709 /trunk/nel/include/nel/3d/ps_plane_basis.h FIXED: bug in sorting 2 CPlaneBasis when p1.Y == p2.Y kervala * r710 /trunk/nel/ (72 files in 18 dirs) REMOVED: semi column after an empty body for a method or a function kervala * r711 /trunk/nel/include/nel/3d/computed_string.h REMOVED: useless comments kervala * r712 /trunk/nel/include/nel/3d/ps_plane_basis.h Fixed: sorry, this is the real fix for CPlaneBasis operator < Kaetemi * r713 /trunk/nel/ (24 files in 5 dirs) ADDED: NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver. UPDATE: Sample sound_source allows user to select driver now. Kaetemi * r714 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (6 files) UPDATE: NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver updated for DirectX August 2008 SDK Kaetemi * r715 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (12 files) UPDATE: NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver can now play OGG Vorbis music files. (work in progress) Kaetemi * r716 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (4 files) FIXED: Changed default sample rate param for xaudio2 creation function to reduce noise. UPDATE: Some more work on the music stuff. Kaetemi * r717 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (12 files) UPDATE: Background music system implementation for the NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver done. kervala * r718 /trunk/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_texture.cpp FIXED: bloom, shadows and stencil buffer renders in OpenGL Kaetemi * r719 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (7 files) UPDATE: Some more stuff (sample looping, etc) implemented in NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver. Kaetemi * r720 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (10 files) UPDATE: readWavBuffer and getSongTitle implemented in xaudio2 driver, also cleaned up some stuff. Kaetemi * r721 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (listener_xaudio2.cpp source_xaudio2.cpp source_xaudio2.h) UPDATE: setMinMaxDistances implemented in NLSOUND XAudio2 Driver. Kaetemi * r722 /trunk/nel/src/sound/driver/xaudio2/ (4 files) UPDATE: setCone implemented.

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