features_nel_ai - ryzom/ryzomcore GitHub Wiki

title: NeL AI Library : Features description: published: true date: 2023-03-01T05:16:02.946Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-06T03:20:58.501Z

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The objective of the AI library is to provide a complete toolbox of logic components for the implementation of 'believable' computer controlled characters in a massively multi-user universe simulation.


Autonomous agents

  • Distributed autonomous agent framework infrastructure
  • Run time agent definition scripting system (see below)
  • Tool set for creation of hard-coded agents
  • Agents are constructed as hierachical agregations of sub-elements
  • Messaging system allows transparent routing of messages between agents within a single application or between aplications on a single shard.

A dedicated scripting language

  • Based on a virtual machine approach (similar to Java)
  • Object oriented, with a strong agent flavor
  • Declarative rather than procedural - which makes it well adapted to the definition of agregatins

Basic components for use in Agent design

  • Finite state automaton plugin for agent framework
  • 'Operator' based action planning plugin for the agent framework
  • 'Classifier' based learning plugin for the agent framework
  • Agent memory plugin for the agent framework
  • Fuzzy logic library with fuzzy logic controler plugin for the agent framework
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