emote - ryzom/ryzomcore GitHub Wiki

title: Emote description: published: true date: 2023-03-12T20:36:52.623Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2023-03-12T20:36:29.520Z


The emote native AI script function allows a NPC or group of NPCs to launch an emote.

The emote(c, s, s) and emote(s, s) functions allow a specific bot to perform an emote. The emote(s) function launches the emote for all bots in the current group.


()emote(group1: c, botname1: s, emote: s) // emote_css_
()emote(emote: s, entityId: s) // emote_ss_
()emote(emote: s) // emote_s_


For emote(c, s, s) function

  • group1 (context): The group of the bot that does the emote.
  • botname1 (string): The name of the bot that does the emote.
  • emote (string): The name of the emote.

For emote(s, s) function

  • emote (string): The name of the emote.
  • entityId (string): The entityId of the bot that does the emote.

For emote(s) function

  • emote (string): The name of the emote.


Example 1

()emote(@group1, "bob", "sad");

This example code launches the "sad" emote for bot "bob" in group "group_name".

Example 2

()emote("smile", $playerEid);

This example code gets a random player from the current group's aggro list and launches the "smile" emote for that player.

Example 3


This example code launches the "angry" emote for all bots in the current group.

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