code_build - ryzom/ryzomcore GitHub Wiki

title: Quick Start for Windows - Build from Source description: published: true date: 2023-03-01T05:23:08.952Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-04-23T11:26:12.885Z

TODO {.is-danger}

Dependencies Package

Visual Studio Installation

Install the latest tools, as well as v141 xp tools. Also MFC. TODO: Get the proper names for the stuff to install.

3ds Max SDK

Link the page with SDK downloads. For max plugins see max table on which toolchain you need to install in VS as well.


Docker Desktop for Windows

Default Build Behaviour

Release Client

On Windows, the configuration script prefers toolchains which have the external dependencies pre-built. This gives us better control over signing binaries, and which versions are supported and distributed. On 32-bit Windows, the toolchain with the broadest compatibility is prefered. Under 64-bit, the latest toolchain with at minimum Windows 7 compatibility is selected.

For Linux builds, the SteamRT Scout Docker build containers are prefered, using Hunter dependencies to create a self-contained static build that ideally runs on any Linux distro.

Release Server

The default server target is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. This may change as needed. You should select your own distribution in the .nel/config.json pipeline configuration file.

Development Client, Server, Tools, and Samples

The latest native toolchain will be selected.

Plugins for 3ds Max

Only the toolchain matching the 3ds Max SDK will be selected. Hunter dependencies are prefered in order to create self-contained binaries.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️