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title: NeL CEGUI description: published: true date: 2023-03-01T05:20:27.066Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2022-03-11T03:05:52.606Z

This piece of documentation is quite old. Please help review it! The plugin was last tested with CEGUI 0.5.0 or 0.6.1. {.is-warning}

Ironic Entertainment is pleased to present this technical demo which brings together the excellent 3D windowing and widget toolkit CEGUI with the powerful MMORPG framework NeL. The result: a robust windowing and widget toolkit solution that fills a sizable gap in the NeL framework and allows developers access to future CEGUI improvements as well as CEGUI toolset enhancements.

CEGUI is an open source, cross platform, 3D engine neutral, object oriented 3D widget toolkit written in C++. NeL is an open source, cross platform, robust framework for creating MMORPGs.


Creating a MMORPG is an extremely daunting and complex task. Even when using NeL to jump start the development process, design and development challenges are abundant. One of these challenges is that there is no 3D GUI toolkit included for NeL clients to use. There is little to be gained by a developer writing yet another GUI toolkit and this expends valuable development time. Integrating CEGUI and NeL allows game developers to focus on the work at hand: creating the game of their dreams.


Everyone enjoys eye candy... Please note that the screenshots below have v-sync enabled (i.e. fps are limited by the monitor's refresh rate).

screenshot000.jpg screenshot001.jpg screenshot002.jpg Demo Controls with Transparency Editing Text Windows with Demo Controls


Here is how you include it in your program. Skinning and more information can be found at the CEGUI Wiki website.

To use the sample binaries, download one and extract it, preserving paths. Then download the datafiles and extract them into that directory, again preserving paths.

Key Description
Esc Quits immediately
F2 Generates a screenshot
F3 Outputs performance statistics to the log


Included on this page is our release of the plugin, a demo for that plugin, and the source for the demo. Our NeL Renderer for CEGUI is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3, which is the same license that NeL uses.

Ironic Entertainment has written a plugin which uses NeL as its rendering layer. Release mode of both the demo and the driver are, in NeL terms, "ReleaseDebug." The frame-rate locks at the speed of your monitor's refresh rate. Despite the fact the windows are titled "Demo 7" this is a full reimplementation of the actual Demo 7 release. Please note that this is only a Tech Demo, rather a proof concept application to show the feasibility of integrating NeL and CEGUI. Code quality is not of production quality but is sufficient to prove that the concept is a workable solution.

A simple input driver has been added to the renderer. If you wish you may just disable this input driver by using the deactivate() or deactivateInput() methods.

Thanks for your interest in the NeL CEGUI Technical Demo!



NeL CEGUI Win32 Demo v1.0 (Debug Mode)

NeL CEGUI Win32 Demo v1.0 (Release Debug Mode)

NeL CEGUI Demo Datafiles (Source Repository)

Source Code:

NeL CEGUI Demo Source (Source Repository)

NeL CEGUI Plugin Source (Source Repository)

Helping Out

If you have experienced a problem related to the NeL Renderer for CEGUI, or want to help fix or add features, please report them on the GitHub issue tracker.



  • Matthew Raykowski (sfb)
  • Henri Kuuste (RTSan)


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