Web Servers - ryantc94/Knights-of-Arthur GitHub Wiki

HTTP, NodeJS, Express, Django

uhhhh... when reading this each ^ refers to the level of parent bullet its referring to... just a reference

  • Net Module is low level module that creates TCP/IP servers/client
  • ^ remember that TCP/IP intercepts HTTP requests/response and encodes that to send over the hardware protocol
  • ^ thus when Joe had us work on Net Module we had to decode the encoded HTTP request/response to parse it

  • HTTP Module is built off of Net Module
  • ^ http.createServer creates and returns a http.Server object
  • ^^ http.Server object has methods for listening to connections and so forth

  • Express is built off of HTTP Module
  • ^ app = express() returns a function (I think...)
  • ^^ app.listen() both creates an http.Server object and has it listen to a connection

HTTP what is the difference between Get/Post/Put/Delete https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/188860/why-shouldnt-a-get-request-change-data-on-the-server ... study HTTP Procotol, request body and response what not

HTTP Server

Reverse Proxy??