Project #1 First Steps - ryanm292002/CAPSTONE GitHub Wiki


  • Setting up basic API request code just to test out VRIUS total API, once I get something working that can give at least some type of synopsis on the URL i will move on to having multiple APIs added
  1. Need API key ( According to documentation, I need to setup a couple things for this to work, I need to define my API key, what URL I want to check and also setup response headers if Virus total cant connect to whatever URL I need to setup status response codes to let the user know
  2. Flask is what im starting out with but to keep things simple before I go to far into things Im just doing basic python to see if it'll be possible to combine all these apis, how will I combine all their results, this will need to be flushed out in the future

3 (MOST RECENT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE) Move to VT api v2 to v3, possibly why its not working

HERE is the code for the basic program I have configured so far.

Reflection/Stuff to think about

  1. How will I get around the Virus total limits for the free version of the API. Do I even need to get around it at this point in time will I be okay with 4 requests a minute/500 requests a day
  2. This format is very limited, but it works and give results. Before I move on from Virus total I may want to include the renalyzing URL endpoint from the VT api, this shouldnt be hard and I could set something up where if a URL hasnt been scanned in the past 3 months from the current date then send a rescan request to Virus total.
  3. Do I want to do just URLs? How hard would it be to also include IP, file check while also integrating with other security tool apis. I think getting each api working in python for now would be first good step then as I move to flask I can start combining them into a single viewable webpage.

Virus Total Post requests: scans, scan_id, sha1, resource, response_code, scan_date, permalink, verbose_msg, total, positives, sha256, md5 response_code