Capstone Weekly Reflection (Semester #2) - ryanm292002/CAPSTONE GitHub Wiki

Week 1/2 Reflection:

Figured out how I wanted to host the webapp. Also got the Kanban board sorted out for organization purposes.

  • Created a beginner account on PythonAnywhere
  • Next week will start consolidating the scripts into one and form it into a flask application for testing deployment
  • Continue with design >> move into developing the frontend

Week 3 reflection

  • Sort out everything for meeting with Joe
  • Started using/ conforming scripts for use at Willkie
  • Created free anywhere account

Week 4 reflection

  • Overall this was a good week, really fleshed out some obstacles and
  • met with Joe and engineer at internship to go over some objectives of the tool
  • Finished working on generating a CSV script for VT. (both hashes and URL)

week 8 reflection

  • Worked on the front end for the most part
  • Changed up the python script just a tiny bit to include the flask part so the front end actually works with the python
  • Added a few extra pages to the html so its not just the homepage where the tool will be help
  • Continue working at it little by little, working on it small amounts every day is great for the mental
  • Ive done html before but not since like Junior year of HS, this has been a good time to rehash the structure of coding html. My front end dosnt need to be the best website ever but id like it to be a good baseline by the end of sprint 4 so when people visit it from a wide array of devices they will be able to actually use it, the main goal is functionality at first, cool design/script stuff later.

week 9 reflection

  • Break week academics wise, still need to meat deadlines in regards to work and the capstone project
  • Still continuing to add python code, fix up the front end with some smaller features that just increase functionality
  • Worked on the script that pulls from excel files aswell, figuring out how to add that to the tool
  • Research more free apis, URLVOID will be added to the project

week 10 reflection

  • Been starting to run into limitation issues with my accounts, due to personal testing for this project aswell as testing for work where they want me to use the script for virus total//otx//mxtoolbox api as were working on cleaning up an email block list
  • Continue to work on front end
  • Start looking into cloud solutions (whatever's cheapest most likely) in order to get it hosted. I really want a fleshed out front end before I commit to anything though, this needs to get done in Week 11
  • Developing a risk meter of my own for the tool based upon the results of the total findings of every api that was pulled from

Week 11 Reflection

  • At this point in the project I have the following:
  1. Virus Total API
  2. OTX API
  3. Good baseline for a flask application backend setup
  4. Basic html templates setup with proper routes inside the application so the html pages essentially function like any other website, just with the python script running in the input text box

Week 12 Reflection

Had my meeting with Joe this week. Pretty close to getting the project hosted on python anywhere, gonna work on documentation for setting python anywhere up again if I need to.

Week 13 Reflection

Website is officially hosted and ready to be viewed by the public.the more I test the more i realize the tool are struggling to be parse out large URLs especially those with wildcards in them. For now I might have to angle this towards mostly domain but the tool is at a decent place for the end of semester 2.