Lab 09 ‐ Powershell Scripting - rune-seregina/sys-255-fa24 GitHub Wiki

To add onto my practice Bash scripting, I aimed to gain familiarity with the Windows scripting language, PowerShell, to augment my system administration skills. Using PowerShell, I created and executed some simple scripts with parameters, and practiced executing remote PowerShell commands.


  • Alias: an alternate name for a command or commandlet in PowerShell, set using the New-Alias commandlet/
  • Cmdlet: "mini command", perform an action within powershell. Follow a verb-noun naming convention (Get-Process, Set-Location, etc.)
  • Array: a structure designed to store collections of items, aka multiple values stored within a variable
  • Split Operator: splits a string into substrings

Resources used:

IP Assignments:

  • WAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 1/em0):
  • LAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 2/em1):
  • wks02-rune IP: (or as assigned by DHCP)
  • wks02/ad02/dhcp02/fs01/web01 default gateway:
  • wks02/dhcp02/fs01/web01 dns:
  • ad02-rune ip:
  • dhcp02-rune ip:
  • fs01-rune ip:
  • blog01-rune ip:


  • ad02-rune: rune\Administrator (password A)
  • rune.local: rune.seregina (password A)
  • rune.local: rune.seregina-adm (password A)
  • rune.local: alice (password A)
  • rune.local: bob (password A)
  • dhcp-1-rune: rune (password A)
  • fs01-rune: Administrator (password B)
  • web01-rune: rune (password A)

PowerShell Commands

  • Write-Host - write output directly to console (e.g. echo)
  • Get-Content - view contents of an item at a specified location (e.g. cat)
  • Set-Alias - create an alias (alternate name) for a command by specifying a new name and the existing command for the alias
    • -Name
    • -Value
  • Set-ExecutionPolicy - change execution policy, which determines who can load execution files or run scripts
    • -Scope - where this execution policy is applied
  • Resolve-DnsName - perform a DNS query for a specified name (e.g. nslookup)
  • Select-Object - select specified properties (e.g. grep)
  • Get-ADComputer - retrieve information about computer(s) in AD
  • Enter-PSSession - enter PowerShell session with a remote computer
    • -ComputerName - name of computer to remote to
    • -ScriptBlock - piece of script enclosed in curly brackets, either to store in a parameter or enter into a remote session, etc.


  • No troubleshooting here!

I think PowerShell commands and scripting are less intuitive than Bash to me, so I liked it less than the Bash exercises. Still, I am glad I got to learn some basic PS familiarity.

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