Lab 06 ‐ Server Core Remote Administrator Tools - rune-seregina/sys-255-fa24 GitHub Wiki
In this lab, I learned to configure and a Server Core, including how to use sconfig to make network, hostname, and domain configurations and remote connecting from ad02. I also practiced using Server Manager to set up and use RSAT and File Services as well as more group policy practice.
- sconfig: Server Configuration tool to configure and manage a Windows Server instance
- RSAT: Remote Server Administration Tools, a set of tools that allows IT administrators to manage Windows servers remotely from a local machine.
- Shares: allow administrators and software to remotely manage hosts on an internal network using the SMB protocol
- NTFS: (New Technology File System) a type of access control that limits who can access files and folders on a computer or network
- Local Permissions (also called NTFS Permissions): Permissions that are applied only Locally (and not Remotely) on the OS, and affects both Local (i.e. via keyboard) and Remote (i.e. via network) account access.
- Share Permissions: Permissions that are applied only Remotely (and not Locally) to the OS, and affects only Remote (i.e. via network shares) account access.
Resources used:
My Network Diagram (Last Update: Lab 05):
Perplexity AI:
UNC Explanation:
NFTS vs Share Permissions:
IP Assignments:
- WAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 1/em0):
- LAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 2/em1):
- wks02-rune IP: (or as assigned by DHCP)
- wks02/ad02/dhcp02/fs01 default gateway:
- wks02/dhcp02/fs01 dns:
- ad02-rune ip:
- dhcp02-rune ip:
- fs01-rune ip:
- ad02-rune: rune\Administrator (password A)
- rune.local: rune.seregina (password A)
- rune.local: rune.seregina-adm (password A)
- rune.local: alice (password A)
- rune.local: bob (password A)
- fs01-rune: Administrator (password B)
Using sconfig
- Change network configuration: 8) network settings > 1) select available network adapters > 1) set adapter network address > set IP, netmask, default gateway. Select 2) Set DNS servers to add DNS
- Change hostname: 2) Computer Name
- Change Domain: 1) Domain/Work group > d for domain > type domain name (rune) > type in admin user in user\domain format (rune\rune.seregina-adm) > type in admin password
Add RSAT to FS01 via AD02
- Add Roles and Features > Select Features > Remote Server Administration Tools > Role Administration Tools > File Services Tools > File Server Resource Manager Tools
- Add Roles and Features > Server Roles > File and Storage Services > File Server Resource Manager
- netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote File Server Resource Manager Management” new enable=yes
Sales Drive Mapping
- Configure Drive Mapping
- Right-click domain to apply the policy, select "Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here"
- Name the new GPO (Sales Drive Mapping)
- Right-click the newly created GPO > "Edit" > User Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Drive Maps.
- Right-click in the right pane and select New > Mapped Drive.
- Configure the following:
- Action: Create
- Location: \FS01\Sales
- Reconnect: Checked
- Label: Sales Share (optional)
- Drive Letter: S:
- Hide/Show this drive: Show this drive
- Hide/Show all drives: No change
- Set Up Item-Level Targeting
- New Drive Properties > Common tab
- Check box "Item-level targeting" > click "Targeting..." > "New Item" > "Security Group" > "Group" field, enter "Sales-Users"
- Perform "gpupdate /force" and "gpresult /r" to make sure everything went smoothly
- Intentional, but FS01 did not show up in my "Networks" tab on either wks02 or ad02. However, I verified the existence of the share on FS01 by remote-connecting into it from ad02 using Powershell (Enter-PSSession -ComputerName FS01-RUNE), as shown below. Then, I tried the path "\FS01-RUNE\Sales" to access the Share on wks02.
I really liked this lab! I think it was insightful to gain more experience using server manager on my own after using it briefly with instructions in lab 5. I also liked the experience of having to configure a server core and learning how to remote connect into a server core.