Lab 03 ‐ Linux - rune-seregina/sys-255-fa24 GitHub Wiki
In this lab, I configured a RockyOS account on my network. After this, I practiced remote connections via SSH/PuTTY and gained familiarity with Linux commands.
- wheel: Linux/Unix term for a privileged/admin account
- SSH: enables secure logins to remote machines
Resources used:
- cyber.local architecture: basic routed network:
- nmtui and local admin "wheel" tutorial:
- how to add A and PTR records for dhcp01-rune:
- PuTTY:
- SYS Labs:
IP Assignments:
- WAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 1/em0):
- LAN IP (synonymous with fw interface 2/em1):
- wks01-rune IP:
- wks01/ads01/dhcp01 default gateway:
- dns:
- ad01-rune ip:
- dhcp01-rune ip:
- dhcp01-rune gateway:
- "nmtui"
- select interface
- IPv4 configuration > Manual > Show > Add > enter IP address as x.x.x.x/xx
- Add gateway address
- Add DNS server(s)/domains
- OK > Back > Set system hostname > OK
Linux commands
- new account: useradd [user]
- passwd [user]
- add user to wheel: usermod -aG wheel [user]
- sudo -i: sudo for extended time (exit to undo)
- pwd: present working directory
- cd: change directory
- cd ..: parent directory (relative to current location in directory)
- cd ~: cd home directory
- ls: list files in current directory
- ls -la: include hidden files
- mkdir: make directory
- rmdir : remove directory
- yum: pqackage management
- yum install [package]: install package
- groups: show user's assigned groups
- history: show command history
- cat: display file contents
- mv: rename files
- rm: delete files
- uname: display OS system info
- locate: locate files
- man: display a manual for commands/utilities available in the terminal
- grep: find specific string in specified output(s)
- SSH on PowerShell did not work :( did some Googling, ultimately decided to download PuTTY and that worked great
I had basic familiarity with Linux before this lab, so I only learned a couple new commands during this lab but it was good practice to re-familiarize myself with Linux. Same goes for remote connection using SSH. Overall I did not encounter significant issues during the lab and it was a good recap and lead-into setting up DHCP.