Translation Guidelines - ruester/git-po-de GitHub Wiki

(original author of this page: Ralf Thielow

This glossary is meant to be a guide for translating Git messages. That means it should not necessarily be used as a one-by-one assignment for translation of Git/SCM terms. A translation should be understandable for users who are familiar with Git as well as for new users. So sometimes it is better to use the original english word, sometimes it is better to use the translation. But if you decide to translate a Git term, you should use the translation shown here for consistency.

Basic repository objects:

blob       = Blob
tree       = Tree, Verzeichnis, Baum-Objekt, Tree-Objekt (depends on context)
tree file  = Tree-Datei
tree entry = Tree-Eintrag   
tree-ish   = Commit-Referenz
submodule  = Submodul
pack(noun) = Pack-Datei
pack(verb) = Pack-Datei erstellen
ancestor   = Vorgänger-Commit

Content in a repository:

file(s)        = Datei(en)
tracked file   = versionierte Datei
track file     = Datei versionieren
untracked file = unversionierte Datei
directory      = Verzeichnis
orderfile      = Reihenfolgedatei
bitmap index   = Bitmap-Index

Repositories / tracking concepts:

clone (verb)           = klonen
clone (noun)           = der Klon
repository             = Repository
shallow repository     = Repository mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow)
bare repository        = Bare-Repository
working directory      = Arbeitsverzeichnis
working tree           = -||-

remote branch          = Remote-Branch
remote-tracking branch = Remote-Tracking-Branch
upstream branch        = Upstream-Branch

remote repository      = Remote-Repository
remote(noun)           = -||- 
remote(adj)            = extern, entfernt liegend


author    = Autor
committer = Commit-Ersteller
tagger    = Tag-Ersteller

Commits, tags and other references:

HEAD           = HEAD
	         (Konzept aus der Git-Welt, daher nicht zu übersetzen.)
detached HEAD  = losgelöster HEAD

commit(noun)       = Commit
commit(verb)       = committen
commit the result  = das Ergebnis committen
initial commit     = allererster Commit
parent commit      = Eltern-Commit
child commit       = Kind-Commit
replacement commit = Ersetzungs-Commit
commit message     = Commit-Beschreibung

stash(noun)       = der Stash
stash(verb)       = "stash" benutzen / ein Stash-Merge durchführen / Commits zusammenführen
unstash(verb)     = aus Stash zurückladen

reference      = Referenz
refspec        = (die) Refspec
refmap         = (die) Refmap
revision       = (der) Commit
branch         = (der) Branch
tag(noun)      = (das) Tag
tag(verb)      = taggen, Tag erstellen
mergetag       = Merge-Tag
annotated tag  = annotiertes Tag
tag message    = Tag-Beschreibung

orphan commit    = 
orphan reference = 

boundary commit = Grenz-Commit
root commit     = Root-Commit

stage/index (noun)        = Staging-Area, Index
stage (verb)/add to index = zum Commit vormerken
unstage (verb)            = aus Staging-Area entfernen

untracked cache = Cache für unversionierte Dateien

trailer         = Anhang

The DAG:

commit graph = Commit-Graph
merge        = (der) Merge

References in relation to other references:

branches that have diverged = Branches sind divergiert
diverging references        = divergierte Referenzen
your branch is ahead        = Ihr Branch ist voraus
your branch is behind       = Ihr Branch ist hinterher

Moving data around:

fetch   = anfordern
pull    = zusammenführen / (der) Pull
push    = versenden / (der) Push

fast-forward     = vorspulen
non-fast-forward = nicht vorspulen


When a message is referring to the command, e.g. in error messages, we do not translate the term. For example: "revert" ist fehlgeschlagen When a message is referring to the thing the command is doing, e.g. in help messages, we translate the term. For example: "fordert von allen externen Projektarchiven an"

add(verb)          = hinzufügen
log                = Log
interactive commit = interaktiver Commit
cherry-pick        = "cherry-pick" benutzen
rebase(verb)       = "rebase" benutzen
rebase(noun)       = "rebase"
archive            = archivieren
revert             = zurücknehmen
clean(verb)        = säubern/aufräumen 
clean(noun)        = Säuberung
merge(verb)        = zusammenführen
merge(noun)        = Zusammenführung
reset(verb)        = umsetzen
reset(noun)        = der "reset"
		     ("Umsetzung" would be too confusing.)
apply              = anwenden

bundle(noun)       = Paket
bundle(verb)       = Paket erstellen
unbundle(verb)     = Paket entpacken

bisect             = binäre Suche
bisecting          = bei einer binären Suche sein, binäre Suche durchführen

Diff/patch related:

diff               = (der) Diff
delta              = Differenz (or Delta)
patch              = Patch
diffstat           = Diffstat
hunk               = Block / Patch-Block
whitespace         = Whitespace

Still being worked out:

prune           = veraltete(n) Branch(es) entfernen
checkout(verb)  = auschecken
sparse checkout = partieller Checkout
git add         = hinzufügen

pulling = Pullen

merge conflict = Merge-Konflikt
3-way merge    = 3-Wege-Merge
paths          = Pfade

symbolic link = symbolischer Verweis
path = Pfad
link = Verweis

reflog = Reflog
partial commit (verb) = teilweise committen
partial commit (noun) = Teil-Commit

register   = in die Konfiguration eintragen
unregister = aus der Konfiguration austragen

pathspec       = Pfadspezifikation
pathspec magic = Pfadspezifikationsangabe
graft          = künstlicher Vorgänger (graft)

Backend = Backend
disable = deaktivieren