TypeScript SVG API ( ActionScript 3D like) - rtsamir/Allseated GitHub Wiki
getting started
- Including the asBase & asSvg folders in your TypeScript Project.
2. Create the stage
Init the stage using asSvg.Stage.cretaeStage
pElement: - div element that will contain the SVG.
let aStage:asSvg.Stage = asSvg.Stage.cretaeStage(pElement, pWidth, pHieght);
3. addElement
All the elements are inherits from DisplayObject ( sound Familiar) this code will add an Ellipse element
Creating an Ellipse with center on 0,0 and two random radiuses
let aEllipse: asSvg.Ellipse = new asSvg.Ellipse(0, 0, Math.random() * 100 + 50, Math.random() * 50 + 50);
Set The DisplayObject color
aEllipse.setFill(0xffffff, 0.5);
Set The DisplayObject location on his parent
aEllipse.x = Math.random() * 500 + 200;
aEllipse.y = Math.random() * 500 + 200;
Set the DisplayObject rotation
aEllipse.rotation = Math.random() * 360;
Add the DisplayObject to the Stage
for sample let's add Circle
4. lats play with scene graph
create a sprite let aSprite = new asSvg.Sprite(); Set The Sprite location on his parent aSprite.x = Math.random() * 500 + 200; aSprite.y = Math.random() * 500 + 200; Set the DisplayObject rotation aSprite.rotation = Math.random() * 360; Add the Sprite to the Stage this.mStage.addChild(aSprite);
Creating an Ellipse with center on 10,10 and two random radiuses
let aEllipse1: asSvg.Ellipse = new asSvg.Ellipse(8, 8, Math.random() * 10 + 10, Math.random() * 20 + 20);
Set The DisplayObject color
aEllipse1.setFill(0x10ff00, 0.5);
Add the DisplayObject to the parent sprite
Creating an Ellipse with center on -10,-10 and two random radiuses
let aEllipse2: asSvg.Ellipse = new asSvg.Ellipse(-8, -8, Math.random() * 10 + 10, Math.random() * 20 + 20);
Set The DisplayObject color
aEllipse2.setFill(0xff0000, 0.5);
Add the DisplayObject to the parent sprite
- load another svg
If needed in JavaScript ES5 or ES6 Please send a note and we will provide it.