🚧 RSpace development roadmap - rspace-os/rspace-web GitHub Wiki

🚧 we're working on building and keeping an up to date RSpace development roadmap using GitHub projects, so that you can see where we are headed and discover opportunities to contribute.

πŸ’‘The roadmap illustrates what projects and topics the Research Space team and the open-source community are working on now and plan to work on soon. This view may not be exhaustive in detail and in terms of projects, but aims to provide context and guidance for contributors and folks interested in RSpace's development.

The topics/projects are grouped by

  • whether they are being implemented at the moment (Now: ~within the next 6 months)
  • investigated for subsequent implementation (Next: ~between in the next 6-12 months)
  • or considered at a yet undetermined later time (Later: ~12 months from now)
  • Additionally, we want to collect and share further ideas, even if they haven't been properly prioritised yet (Unprioritized)

Larger, longer-term projects with potentially multiple sub-projects are indicated by a 🌳 in the title, whereas shorter term projects are indicated by a 🌿 in the title.

For a sneak preview, please check out the roadmap here.