Using Java 11 for better performance - rsbmatt/OSBuddy GitHub Wiki
Java 11 was recently released, using it instead of the much older java 8 can help with memory usage and garbage collection problems.
- First, You'll have to download and install the correct file for your operating system;
- Download the Osbuddy.jar and place it in your OSBuddy folder. You can find it in your windows user folder. Or enter %USERPROFILE%\OSBuddy into windows start search or the run menu.
- Finally, open notepad and copy/paste the following lines:
@echo off
start javaw -Xmx512m -Xss2m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=false -Dnofork=true -jar "%USERPROFILE%\OSBuddy\OSBuddy.jar"
- Once you've done that, save the notepad document on your desktop as OSBuddy.bat, make sure to set the file type to all files.
You can now double click your new OSBuddy.bat file to start the client.
- To confirm that OSBuddy is using Java 11 use the diagnostic window found in the client links menu as shown below.