Old SDCC Snapshot Builds on discontinued SourceForge Compile Farm - roybaer/sdcc-wiki GitHub Wiki
See https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=665363, which obsoletes the following document.
SDCC Snapshot Builds are made on the SourceForge (SF) Compile Farm (CF) machines using the sdcc-builder account.
The build process is fully automated by using the cron, make and shell scripts. The build system is included in the sdcc Subversion tree, under sdcc-build directory. Any change in sdcc-build Subversion tree will be taken into account on the next snapshot build.
Only few SDCC developers know the password of sdcc-builder account. If you desperately need it, post a request to the <sdcc-devel></sdcc-devel> mailing list.
To access the SF CF machines you have to:
- login to the CF shell machine shell.cf.sourceforge.net:
ssh sdcc-[email protected]or
ssh <your_username>@shell.cf.sourceforge.net
- login to one of CF build machines from the CF shell machine (for example x86-linux2):
ssh x86-linux2
- source tree is in:
- regression test output is in:
Host name | CF menu entry | SDCC packages | gcc --version | glibc version |
x86-linux2 | B. [x86] Linux 2.6 (Fedora FC2) | i386-unknown-linux2.3, i586-mingw32msvc and i586-mingw32msvc-setup, sdcc-extra-src, sdcc-src | gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7), i586-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 4.1.1 | glibc-2.3.3-27.1 |
amd64-linux1 | E. [AMD64] Linux 2.6 (Fedora Core 3 on AMD64 Opteron) | amd64-unknown-linux2.3, docs | gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3) | glibc-2.3.3-74 |
alpha-linux1 | G. [Alpha] Linux 2.2 (Debian 3.0) | alpha-unknown-linux2.3 | 2.95.4 | 2.3.2 |
ppc-osx3 | I. [PPC] MacOS X 10.2 SERVER Edition | ppc-apple-macosx | 2.95.2 | NA |
openpower-linux1 | J. [Power5] SuSE Enterprise Server 9 | ppc64-unknown-linux2.3 | gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux) | glibc-2.3.3-98.28 |
sparc-solaris1 | M. [Sparc] Sun Solaris (9) !#1 | sparc-sun-solaris | gcc (GCC) 3.3.2 | NA |